Responds to: Nu or Kal|Age: 19|College Student|

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Beep beep delivery

I have no idea why thats my title, I'm bored lol
Well anywho lemme tell y'all a thing.

I'm in my second week of school and I mean its been pretty well but it may just get worse. I've made some new friends this year too O u O!! I feel so accomplished cuz I am so socially awkward sometimes oTL
But yeah, got some cool teachers and classes, most of em are fun and all. I don't have a teacher that I am hating really. I like most of em. I have like one male teacher and last year I had like 4 out of 7 xD

Um um....I had a scrimmage yesterday for soccer. We won 5 to 1 against like a girl only church team. I dunno they were good but they kinda sucked but they were up against the Varsity team mostly so yeah. We'll play them again for the JV team (my team cuz I cant be on Varsity this year ; - ;)
I AM THE OLDEST PERSON ON THE JV TEAM! OMIGOSH I HATE IT, THEY ARE ALL LIKE 2-4 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME! They are all like range between 12-15 I dunno they are young though. But I feel so old about being the only one on the JV team whos 16 and my little baby team mates gotta go up against U16 teams. So hopefully they do good .__.'
I only have this soccer season and one more before I have to quite playing Rec ;w; I'll be like 18 or close by the time my last one comes up and since they only go up to U16, I can't play if Im 18.

So yeah thats my life, just so y'all know Im alive <3


Okay so yesterday I had soccer. I am so sore and outta shape man xD

My dad had us doing painful new stretches like Six inches and planking and some others. Omigosh my abdomine/stomach has never hurt this badly before -n-' I dont see how dudes go all these freaking ab work outs @_@

Anyways aside from that I also got stepped on and fell down -w-b (this was my first practice too btw so neeh). Also some how at practice I managed to get a BLOOD BLISTER!! HURTS LIKE HELL IF I STEP FUNNY! ALREADY GOTTA LIMP A BIT CUZ MY FOOT SWELLED AND IS SORE!!

So right now my dad put a gauze pad and wrapped it around my foot so I didnt pick at the blister, pop it, get infected or have a dog step on my foot and touch it. everytime I look at my foot, I feel like a fucked up duck xD

Well um...

I think I broke my tablet or something. I tried to sketch with it last night and it kept doing things -w-;

This is all I could manage XD

Im a dork

Im out here all by myself on my tablet while people sleep.

Freakin lip singing Bleeding Love and my tablet pen is by my mouth so It looks like a microphone. This is why Im glad no bodies around....
(I swear, Justin if you see this and make fun of me, Im killing you)


So I haven't talked to y'all in awhile ;w;
Heres a life update! :)

I thought I was going to die the other day. My sister was driving and almost ran a light and I just kinda started yelling "No no no stoooop" and yeah, scared the stuffing out of me...

Went to the dentist for my cleaning and hated it cuz I had to wake so ungodly early *yes, 8 am is freakin early to me*. I got perscribed some medical mouthwash! My dentist thinks I have like gum inflation(think that the word) cuz my gums bleed when I brush and all. No not because I dont brush (sometimes im lazy shh) but she thinks its kinda like with my skin, same problem. So, MOUTHWASH YAY! Its mint flavored, but it doesnt taste like mint, it tastes like bad bananas....

Went to bath and body works!! YAY! I got some new lotions that smell lovely, new body wash and a body mist that smells like freakin candy dude its awesome! So now I own like 3 full things of lotion and one almost empty one lol.

Lastly my dad scared the crap out of me. Me and my sister were in the car waiting for my parents to come back, and we're talking while Im also talking to my boyfriend. Out of no where my dad comes up and taps on my window and scares me, I screamed so loudly and so high. My mom could hear me from outside the car clear as day. Kinda hurt my throat and my sisters ears.

So yeah, thats my life so far... :3