Responds to: Nu or Kal|Age: 19|College Student|

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xnu made a twitter

So I made a twitter omg. Its not a personal one, I might post dome stupid school stuff though.

But its mostly an art one, so artist friends and fans (which I don't have lol) should make one and we'll have fun ouo

Anyone on?

Anyone on who wants to watch me finish up my drawing of Gold??

shitastic morning....

So, I have to stay home today b/c I'm sick and just threw up.....

Now I'm crying and trembling while my throat burns....


So I started soccer practice yesterday, whoohoo! I was so excited to play with the Varsity team again this season cuz I couldnt last season. But anywho, it was fun I enjoyed practice.

But OMFG MY DAD!!! He makes us do horrible exercises!! Im okay with our line up drills (until it comes to suicide runs...). But oh my gosh my core and back are KILLING ME!!! I hate planking, leg lifts and six inches DX

I was hurting last night, but now I feel the pain in my core even more @n@

WIP Update

So I started coloring this yesterday
The detail I've put into his hair is KILLING ME. Like shit im trying to add so much small details....HIS EYEBROW HAS DETAIL TO IT OYOU JUST CANT SEE IT