Responds to: Nu or Kal|Age: 19|College Student|

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Welp, saw the new Star Trek

It was good, I liked it more than I thought I would

though let me tell you this, and I shit you not when I say this, I WAS THE YOUNGEST PERSON IN THAT SHOWING!!!

Forgot to share!

I got my ears pierced again today O u O
It really kinda hurt ; w ; but now I have two piercings in each ear on the lobes >w<
So I'm happy about that~ Soon I can experiment with my ear cuffs and stuff 8D
Also got two new bracelets. One is kinda leathery the other is a beaded infinite sign, I like em >//u//<

OH OH, and I went shopping for when I go on my trip to Florida O v O
I'll be going to Disney world on the first week of June =w=b
Also excited about that because, RACE CARS 8D IMMA DO IT!! Other than that and doing the animal kingdom, I dont care what we do -w- But yeah, Y'all wont see me much that week ; w ; and I'll try not to rant about how I hate planes when I leave and come back x3

So yeah....Update for y'all o u o



So happy =w=b
I think this also makes me a senior for High school too O u O
But yeah, Y'all will be seeing more of me now 83

Also my groupies in PGR, Lets all talk, I get bored easily and wanna type xD


Okay okay, so my birthday was a few days ago. I asked for a graphic tablet, and I got one O u O

thing is, I got a monoprice and the size I got, was all sorts of bad :I
So we had to return it and look for a new one.

Well I got my new one today >w<
I got a Bamboo Create and its really fun O w O *had to put away for dinner soon though*

So expect digital drawings from me in the future if I can get the hang of it >w< *can only draw stupid little faces now* =w=b

Tumblr side blog thingy

Okay so on tumblr, I made a side blog for my edits. So I just made it yesterday, so It doesnt have a lot, but yeah =w=

Most things on there for probably a good long time, will be the things I made of my boyfriend in them, cuz he is my personal stripper/model/pornstar/shouldbeinPlayGirl poser <3

I'm informing y'all of this cuz like, if you're on tumblr more than theO and you wanna see things by me/request things, you can do it on there if you like OwO

{Here is a link if you wanna follow}. I'd love for you guys to follow me if you like ;w; IM NOT ASKING TO SPREAD THE WORD AND BE TUMBLR FAMOUS, I JUST LIKE FOR Y'ALL TO SEE THE HORRIBLE CRAP I DO >8D