Part 3

The bell to be in class rang as Drake and Alecks held their breath. They'd been caught before and they WERE NOT about to go through that punishment again. They heard the footsteps of the teachers who check the hallways enter their rooms and close the doors behind them.
It was then that Alecks began telling his story.
"So, dude, listen. Appearently, there's some old ghost named Samhain or something-"
Drake interupted him. "C'mon, Alecks, there's no such thing as ghosts."
"Nah, man, there is! Just listen."
"Okay, fine. Go on."
"A'ight. So there's this ghost named Samhain and it, like, kills people or something."
"Seriously, Alecks? Man, c'mon, all you heard is some stupid ghost story that your grandpa was told when he was a kid to keep from going trick-or-treating. Speaking of that, are you coming this year?"
"No way, dude. Especially with Samhain!"
"Alecks, think about it. If this Samhain is real-" he rolled his eyes in obvious disbelief "-then he's prolly been dead for a while. Am I right?"
"Well, yeah, but what's that got to do with it?"
"I'll tell you. Now, shut up." Alecks covered his mouth with his hand and sat down on the floor. "A'ight man," Drake continued, "How long have we been trick-or-treating together? Like, 6 years. So, if this Samhain guy is real, then you prolly would have been attacked by him or at least had seen him by now; don't you think?"
"... Yeah I guess you're right."
"Of course I am."
"But, what about...." Alecks trailed off.
"... What about what?" Drake prompted him.
Alecks paused again. "What about the people its killed so far?"
Drake stopped. "What?" A ghost can't kill someone... Can it?
"Yeah, dude. You know Travis? The fat football player?"
"Yeah, he's in my next class."
"And he hasn't been here in a few days, has he?"
"Well, no, I guess he hasn't.... But that doesn't mean a ghost killed him. He probably just ate something bad. He eats everything you put in front of him. He's probably just home sick or something...." Drake wanted to believe it but he had a bad feeling on the situation.
"Nah, man, he's dead. And you know Kimmie? She used to be one of us? You remember?"
"Yeah, she and I went out after she dated Colton."
"Yup, and she hasn't been here for over a week. Samhain, man. I'm not kidding."
"That's BS, Alecks. She is probably just outta the country or something. You know she travels a lot with her family." Not Kimmie.
"No, I saw her mom getting the mail yesterday while her dad was walking the dog."
"Maybe she's sick, too. Maybe her brother is sick and she has to watch him." Drake didn't want to believe it. Not Kimmie.
"No, I saw her brother watering the yard and going out with some friends."
"... Well that doesn't mean she's dead." NOT KIMMIE.
"You're right, it doesn't. But, I overheard Travis's mom talking about the costs of a funeral." Alecks told Drake enthusiasticaly.
"Maybe it was a family member. That would explain his absence."
"Then she talked about inviting his friends at school and having the football coach talk about him." Alecks smiled, pleased with the fact he had this information.
Right then, the sound of an announcement about to be made rang overhead.
"Pardon the interruption, teachers and students, but I regret to inform you that our beloved Travis Marton and Kimberly Jameison have both passed away. I cannot say from what, but both funerals will be closed casket. Times of the wake and funerals will be posted online and announced forecomingly."
Not Kimmie.
The dreadful news with the uncaring voice was ended with the crashing sound of the phone being put back onto the receiver.
"Okay, maybe they're dead. But maybe they got in a car crash."
"Nah, dude, neither of them can drive yet. And it's going to be closed casket. That sounds nasty."
"Yeah, I heard.... I can't believe they're dead. Well, Travis was a rotten bag of trash but Kimmie...." Not Kimmie.
Alecks paused. He'd forgotten of Drake's and Kimmie's relationship. "Aw, man, I'm sorry. i completely forgot you still liked her. Crap. Drake, I'm so sorry." If Alecks was drunk, he sobered up pretty fast.
"No, man. Its all good. She wasn't going to go back out with me anyway."
"Still, it hurts." He offered Drake a bro-hug but Drake shrugged him off. "Hey, maybe we should talk about something else."
"No. I want to learn more about this Samhain guy. Especially if he did this."
Alecks stopped and looked at him skeptically. "I thought you didn't believe in ghosts, Drake."
"I don't, but this sounds... interesting."
