So I'm Bird! I'm a violist and dancer who has a passion for books, writing, and art of any kind. Feel free to PM me:D

I'm a member of Mu: A Death Note Fan World created by FullmetalCheese
Please join!

long time

It's been about seven months.
Seven insane months.
I bet I don't even have any friends left on here.


almost 2009

I'm really looking forward to school and life again. Just one more week. I really want to get back to dance, hopefully work off my holiday pudge. :P

Well, I'm thinking I'm going to post now about my goals/hopes for 2009. I took some goals and combined them with some things from my bucket list I thought I could plausibly do this year. So here goes. Don't laugh at me^^

Adopt a manatee
pet a dolphin
write a song
kiss a complete stranger
do the splits
be in a quartet
get a 30 on the ACT
take pilates
get my YW medalion
read scriptures every day
save up to buy a new viola
take an art class
memorize Elegy (a piece I've been working on)
don't procrastinate
have a boyfriend
get closer to my family
rely more on God & myself
be a little slower to judge
be good
practice viola lots
pray lots

So that's my list so far. I'm going to try to do everything. Usually, I make goals, but they only last for a couple weeks. I figured if I had a list to cross most things off of, it would work better.


So, I've been sick for the last three weeks. I went to the doctor and they said I have bronchitis and they took a blood test and decided that I have mono again too. I don't know why these things always happen at my favorite time of year.

i know

I know, it's been a really long time. But here I am.
Life's still crazy, but I'm happy. Or just content, maybe. It's hard to stop and realize how much I love life while all the good stuff is happening because it flies by in a blur of homework and deadlines and performances and such. But I get to start a whole new week of it tomorrow^^ I'm excited. Is that weird, excited for life? I should be excited it's here now, huh? :)
Have a good day everyone

I'm sorry

I'm sorry.. school keeps me so busy. AP calculus alone takes me on average three hours per assignment. THen viola and my other homework, and the internet no longer exists. Soo.. how is everyone??? tell me, tell me