Waiting for my nail polish to dry

Typed this yesterday:

Waiting for my nail polish to dry, which is something that I both hate and love. Hate because it takes for freaking ever, and stops me from doing most things. Love because it means I get out of doing my jobs ^-^

Anyway, I’m really bored so I figured I may as well blog.

I’m really annoyed at my mum at the moment… chat was finally quiet enough for me and zac to start our battle and we’d barley done one move each when my mum kicked me off. Grrr, I was so annoyed. Not to mention I had to spend the next half hour texting zac to try to explain how lightning would have no effect on my nano bots. And now he doesn’t seem to be talking to me, which I guess means I won that argument, not that there was any chance that I’d lose.

I probably should be rereading my human bio text book, seeing as I have a test tomorrow, but I can’t be bothered, every time I try I end up zoning out and thinking about random crap. Maybe I’ll try again after dinner.

Today was a public holiday and mum was supposed to take me out to practise driving in the manual car, but she ended up spending the whole day on the PS2 so I didn’t get to >.>. Not only that but I was only allowed on the comp for a hour today, as mum says I’m “addicted” yet she spent the whole day on the PS2! *sigh* at lest battling online is creative and it’s not like I have anything else to do, none of my friends live anywhere near me.

Mum’s cooking dinner now, we’re having chicken stir-fry but I’m not really hungry. Awwww, and now the cat’s being all cute ^-^. Lolz

Maybe I’ll try playing the sims3 again, now I’ve installed the update, hopefully it’ll work properly, but I don’t really feel like playing computer games.

I’d do some drawing, but I can’t find my sketch book. And I’ve been reading for most of today, so I don’t really feel like reading anymore. Damn it, I finally get a long weekend, and there’s nothing to do T_T.

Maybe I’ll ask mum if we can go for a quick swim at the beach, but I doubt she’ll take us.

Gah, I’m so bored!!!! I hate feeling like this, were I can’t seem to be bothered doing anything (well except kicking zac’s butt in chat, but I can’t go on the comp >.>)

*tries to change the subject*

I’m trying to arrange to catch up with this guy I haven’t seen for ages. He actually does live near me, but I met him through one of my mums friends kids, and when my mum and her friend fell out with each other, I kinda lost contact with him. Hopefully we can catch up, because it’s so boring not being able to see my friends.

School tomorrow T_T. I love school, but I hate spending hours doing homework, it completely destroys it for me.

I wouldn’t mind going to the video store and renting some movies. I’ve still got tons of Dr Who, Dexter and Bleach to watch. But I need to save my money for an external hard drive for my comp, so I can back up my files, not to mention a graphics tablet and my uniform for Jurate. So looks like I’ll have to forgo the DVD’s *sigh* I really need to get a job.

Wow I’m up to page 2 already, I really am bored. Maybe I should try to talk about something a bit more positive.

I’ve been thinking about what to do for my next challenge, and I’m thinking of getting people to make an AMV and post a link to it in there world. But I’m not sure if anyone would be bothered to enter. What do u guys think?

I also need to scan some pics I’ve drawn lately, so I have something new to colour. But of course that involves getting on the comp >.>.


Oh, I just realised I have Jurate (self defence) this afternoon. YAY! That should be a great stress relief! XD. I can take all my boredom and frustration out on the dummies. And then tomorrow I have Police rangers, and air rile on Wednesday. Should be fun. Oh, and I can finally get my ring, back. Then my finger will stop feeling so naked! XD XD

*randomly stares at fish tank* Ohhhhh, purty fishes………

Mmmm, dinner smells nice.

*sighs* Gah, the news is so depressing, death, murder, lead poisoning. Not to mention that they portray everything in such a biased way, it really annoys me.

Wow I’ve written a hell of a lot. And my nails still aren’t dry.

*yawns again* maybe I’ll go have a shower or something. Bye all *hugs*
