Post from my other world

Now that i have this world, which alows me more freedom with my posts, i am deleating my old world (Inuyasha rocks!!) and transfering the few posts i've made, to here.

Ok so i had the weirdest dream last night (actually on the 8th of september), i drempt that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were walking next to each other (and NOT trying to kill each other for once) and Sesshy was wearing a short sleave shirt or something 'cause i could see his arms, both of them!, and he was carrying shippo on his hip like you carry a young child (???), anyway me and my friend were walking behind them talking about how they were getting along for once, and then Sesshy turned around and said 'that's it! i'm traveling with Kaname (from VK) and i'm pretty sure we were in th soul society. Weired or what?

Ok i've just posted a slideshow of inu funny pics and on of comics, that you can actually read, i did get some of them off here so i hope that's ok with everyone. Please check them out, my youtube name is EvilPurpleChicken

Does anyone know of any good Inuyasha fan fics? I've tried but i can't be bothered sorting through them to find the good ones. If ayone can post a link in the comment box it would be greatly apriciated.

Ok this is for anyone who has seen both inuyasha and black cat, or read the manga's, which do you think is the better manga? which is the better anime? And who's better, Sesshy or Train?
Here's my opinions:
Manga: Black Cat
Anime: Inuyasha
Character: SESSHY!!! (how could you not love him?)

To anyone who hasen't heard about it yet,, is a freaking awesome sight where you can watch english dubed animes free online.

See? Not many posts, well see ya!
