Gender: Female

Age: 17 (almost 18 :))

Live in: Australia

Real name: Carmon

Fave Animes: Inuyasha , Bleach, Hell girl, black blood brothers, vampire princess, moon phase, death note, Shakugan no Shana and black cat, there's probably more but i can't think of them at the moment. ^-^

Current obsession: Photography, which is really annoying as my camera really sucks

Likes: Randomness, funny stuff, vampires, Anime , manga, books (especially urban fantasy!), lollies, my friends, science, photography, creative writing

Dislikes: Rude comments/answers (is why i like the O, Everyone here is so friendly ^-^), Tomatoes, planning and school sport. Other stuff to but i can't be bothered typing it up.

Dream job: Forensic scientist or Working with genetics

Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Well it's currently red, but naturaly it's a horribly mousey brown colour.

Fave colour: Black, purple and red

Fave T.V show: Tie between the new Docter Who, Supernatural and how i met your mother

Fave Food: mangoes and smoked salmon

Fave computer game: Plants vs Zombies

Grade/Year: 1st year university

Current uni subjects: well seeing as this semester's nearly over i'll tell you next semester's: Philosophy, intro to forensics, intro to human anatomy and physiology, cell biology.

Item at the top of my wish list: A really good digital camera.


(aka all my fave characters)

So i couldnt be bother typing up two lists so i'm remerging them.
This is a list of all my fave characters (best first)

Character - Anime/book/series/movie/etc

Sesshomaru - Inuyasha
Zelman Clock - Black Blood Brothers
Janx - Negotiator Trillogy
Lestat de Lioncourt - Vampire Chronicals
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
The Doctor - Doctor Who
Spike - Buffy
Bones aka Crispin (i think) - Night Huntress series
Byakuya Kuchiki - Bleach
Inuyasha - Inuyasha
Bankotsu - Inuyasha
Rin - Inuyasha
Nathanial - Anita Blake series
Kotaro Mochizuki - Black Blood Brothers
Kisuke Urahara - Bleach
Jiro Mochizuki - Black Blood Brothers
L. Lawliet - Death Note
Diansi(spelling?) - Negotiator trillogy
Jason - Anita Blake
Jakotsu - Inuyasha
Yafuri Chao - Black Blood Brothers
Kogura - Inuyasha
Ren Ichimoku - Hell Girl
Mimiko Katsuragi - Black Blood Brothers
Damn it! I know that there's heaps more but i cant think of any at the moment T_T

Link to my Deviartart account

Link to my facebook account

Email adress: [email protected]

Some more stuff about me; here and here

Lolz this is obviously an edited pic. You can see the original here.

VWBSZWAS stands for: Vampirewerewolfbrainsuckingzombie with a straw (It's a loooooooooooong story.) Bye for now and please read my posts and comment. You rock!!! ^-^

OMG 80 subsribers *hugs everyone*

I'm so happy right now and i'd like to give a massive thancks to all of my subscribers! Also i am working on dedicating something to everyone, but it's gonna take a while lolz.
Again thanks so much *hugs again* bye for now


Found this on MLIA Yesterday, I wrote Time Machine on the shower door of my dorm suite. I included a secret panel with numbers and symbols. Today, I walked in on one of my suite mates punching in an imaginary code before showering. We have a...

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Anyone interested in doing an art collab?

I love colouring, so if anyone want's to work with me, you doing the line art and me colouring, i'd love it ^-^.

Would you rather eat your arm or die????

It's a very serious question. So please answer.

Tralala I'm bored

*sigh* I’m bored, I’m meant to be doing research this period but I’ve already finished, unlike Vix who’s just going on the O. I listened to the otaku podcast for the first time, well half of it because then the bell...

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