Two Short Scenes With Haruke And Matt

I have entirely too much fun making matt mess with Haruka.
Scene 1
Haruka grinned when her phone rang. "Hey Matt!" They had a nice ocnversation, but then Matt brought up a question she didn't expect.
"Hey, can I borrow your car?"
"No," Haruka immediately replied.
"Why not?"
"Because a) you'll make it stink with your cigarettes, and b) you'll do something illegal."
There was no answer.
"...Matt" Haruka asked warily. "Where are you?"
"In your car."

Scene 2
Haruka, for what seemed like the millionth time, took Matt's cigarettes out of his back pocket when he wasn't looking and replaced it with a pack of nicotin gum. They then sat down to play video games and he proceeded to kick her butt. After losing seven straight times, Haruka decided she needed gum. And then realized she didn't have any. Her gaze shifted to the nicotin gum in Matt's pocket.
Unfortunately for her, Matt noticed. He smirked and held up the gum.
"Want some?'
Haruka reached for it, then put her hand down. "No."
"You sure?" He was enjoying this entirely too much.
She reached for it again, but put her hand down. "No." She sat on her hands to keep herself from reaching for it again.
At this point, Matt was cracking up and Haruka decided he needed to be beaten with the video game controller.

Yes, that is how obssessed Haruka is with gum. ^_^
