What happened the Organization? Was it that high school chick? (2)

Xigbar fell into a big bucket of gum, root beer, mayonnaise, popcorn and maple syrup today. Why? Demyx was cleaning the drains. Xigbar came running out of Laxene’s room and fell into the bucket. When he got out, Axel and I were walking down the hallway. I had ordered one of the old Sonic the Hedgehog games: Sonic Adventure 2, so Axel and I were getting to post. Suddenly Xigbar came out the hall covered in gunk. “Hey,” cried Larxene, running down the spotlessly white stairs “Did I get any-” but Laxene began to laugh.
“Okay, I’m a cheerleader now!” I said grabbing two pairs of pompoms and threw a pair at Larxene. “U.G.L.Y” I cried.
“You ain't got no alibi!” Cried Axel.
“You ugly. Eh! Hey! You ugly.” We all cried.
“U.G.L.Y” I cried
“You ain't got no alibi!” Cried Axel.
“You ugly. Eh! Hey! You ugly.” We all cried.
Just then, the whole Organization jumped out various doors and began to sing
You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly”
“I saw you walking down the street just the other day,” sang Larxene “I didn't see your damage from that far away. I should have got a clue when the kids started screaming. You walked up to me with your buck teeth a gleaming, your hair was all frizzy and your face was a mess
I thought it was a sack but it's your favourite dress. You hurt the trees feelings and the birds all flew. I don't mean to insult you. Oh, wait! Yes I do.”
“Your teeth are yellow, they're covered in mould,” I sang, “You're only…whatever….you look a hundred years old. When looks were handed out you were last in line, Your face looks like where the sun don't shine Did you fall off a building and land on your head?” I sang. “Or did a truck run over your face instead. There ain't no pill cos you ain't ill.”
“You’re ugly!” The whole Organization yelled.
“U.G.L.Y.” Everyone cried.
“You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
“What you really need is to wear a mask,” I sang “and book that plastic surgeon fast. You're scary, you're hairy, and I heard about you, you're the main attraction at the city zoo. You're so fat and ugly with a belly full of flab,”
“When you wear a yellow coat people shout out ‘Cab!’” cried Larxene.
“That’s not funny.” I said
“You got eyes like a pig and your nose is big” I sang. “and with hair like that you should be wearing a wig.”
“Dead slug, remember him? I never knew that you had a twin” sang Larxene.
“You can't disguise your googly eyes.” I sang “In the Miss Ugly pageant, you win first prize. Yo, mama say you ugly”
“YOU UGLY!!!” We all yelled.
“U.G.L.Y.” Everyone cried.
“You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
“U.G.L.Y!!” cried everyone six times
“U.G.L.Y.” I sang “You ain't got no alibi you ugly!!!”
“Get busy” I sang about nine times.
Then Larxene sang “Yo, mama say you ugly,” over me singing “Get busy” Yes, I know it’s confusing.
“U.U.U.U.” I sang getting closer to Xigbar then I stopped and said “Now I feel like Blondie.”
“U.G.L.Y.” Everyone cried.
“You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly”
“Quasimodo,” I said “Camel breath, square head”
“UGLY!!” Everyone cried.
“Chicken legs” said Larxene “Pig face, chin like bubba” said Laxene
“UGLY!!” Everyone cried.
“Fish lips!” Cried Demyx.
“Toad licker!” cried Zexion.
“Poindexter!” said Xigbar to Zexion
“UGLY!!” Everyone cried.
“Spaghetti arms” I cried
“Limp butt” said Larxene
“Freak show” We both sang
“UGLY!!!” Everyone cried
“U.G.L.Y.” Everyone cried.
“You ain't got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
“U.G.L.Y.” Everyone cried.
“You could make an onion cry” I cried
“U.G.L.Y.” Everyone cried.
“Like an alien chased by the F.B.I.” cried Larxene
“UGLY!!” We all screamed out loud.
“What does ‘alibi’ mean?” asked Demyx. We rolled our eyes as we get back to what we were originally doing.
