double double twirl in trouble (it was a movie a Mary Kate and Ashley movie sorry random Rainbow!!!)

-------------------Jazzy's pov.-----------------------------------------------

I didn't sense Jess anymore and I ran to her room and screamed"JESS!!!!!AMBY!!!!JESS IS GONE!!!!!!!"I yelled loudly Amby ran to the room with a pistol in her hand"who the heck stole My sister!"Amby said lowly I swear Amby had secrets about her shes 12 and she handles a gun and a sword and can drive a car How the heck can a 12 year old do that?!Amby growled and pulled me to my car she grabbed my car keys and started my car."Oh hell no no no"I said panicing"Amby please don't freaking take my car please don't don't I need My baby" it was useless to go against a alpha female and our only Alpha female you wouldn't know but Amby was the one who took care of us and if we didn't have her our world would be nothing at all and we can't be without Jess we're like peanut butter and Jelly you can say Amby pulled me into the car and her eyes glowed red she was a shark out for blood now her blood would be the one who stole Jessica Jess Jessa weirdo our weirdo Amby's fake sister My best friend almost sister figure next to Izzy Jazzy Fallen My faturnal twin My sister.Amby slammed down on the gas and started driving fast in a few minutes we were going 109 m.p.h and had no one chasing us Amby was weaving in and out through cars and growled and slammed on the brakes somewhere near a gas station and slammed her fist on the dash"Dang it I can sense her anywhere I can't hear her I can't smell her I can't nothing"Amby said I looked at her sadly"how 'bout we go eat something and calm down a bit then we will search Heck we'll turn over the country side!"I yelled Amby looked at me and nodded I went outside,put gas in the mustang and payed then climbed back into the car sighing.Amby looked at me and smiled a bit her eyes her eyes they bothered me they were hazel brown a nice color but Amby's eye color was Blue and was always blue and her eyes held sadness and hate for the one who stole her sister I felt the pain and hurt and hate she felt hers was twice as strong and much more I had a feeling who stole Jess was nice and knew her and wasn't going to hurt her I'm a doctor I mean a werewolf doctor I help Devra and will for a long time but I had a feeling this person that stole jess knew her and wasn't going to hurt her,let her hurt herself,was kind and was a part of Jess's past I never knew Amby's or Jess's past well Amby was a mixed breed she so called killed her parents.Amby took off out of the gas station,to a really nice looking taco bell I love taco bell well anyway Amby parked the car,got out and we went inside Taco Bell the guys in there looked at us Amby was pretty so was I but we didn't know and didn't really care."how May I help you two?"A nice emo girl that worked at taco bell asked "umm 2 nacho surpremes Please"I said Kindly Amby was sat back in the back near a window she looked so sad and a guy sat next to her in the both and was hitting on her 'uh oh thats not good'I thought I heard them talking "well what do you want?"Amby spat angerily the guy raised his hands as a surrender "You just looked so sad I'm Devin whats your name?"the guy said and asked Amby rolled her eyes and looked away giving him a fake name"Skye"Amby said gently she was trying to be nice nicer then was she was to him when he came up to her"beautiful name Skye"Devin said Amby yawned and shook her head"sure whatever now go away"Amby said the emo girl at the counter glared at the guy and saw through Amby her name plate said"Alice" on it Alice mmmmmmm doesn't ring a bell as Amby's friend Alice sighed"are you going to help your friend cuz' Devin is trouble hes a womanizer to any woman in here and right now your friend is a target"Alice said glaring at Devin still I shook my head no "Skye Amber can handle herself"I said Alice didn't belive me and jumped over the counter and went to Devin and Amby."Hello Alice I couldn't help but notice that You you womanizing pervert was about to go outside so scram!!!"Alice yelled at Devin he scrambled away screaming Alice was scary when angered Alice sat beside Amby and smiled "I'm Alice Nice to meet ya"Alice said gentley "Amber but you can call me Amby pleasure meeting ya too"Amby said Alice smiled and jumped back over the counter and grabbed the 2 nacho surpremes I ordered and took em to the table and smiled"Yo food Miss"Alice said"its Jazzy Jazzy Izzy Fallen"I said smiling I sat a bit away from Amby Alice was sitting next to Amby you'd swear they were lovers or good good friends cuz' Alice was always hugging Amby close to her maybe Alice sensed that Amby needed a hug or someone to pat her back I don't know which but it was cool to see Amby so relaxed with Alice beside her the guys in Taco bell were glaring at Alice some of the girls even did too I yawned and kept eating till I heard a angry voice"ALICE!!!!!!!!"It screamed uh oh Alice jumped up and looked saddened The Manager "Alice!What are you doing get back to work!!!"the manager yelled I growled loudly Alice looked at me and smiled."No sir I can't My new friends need me Amby the most"Alice said The manager looked at the currently yawning Amby and gasped "I-I see"the manager said looking still at Amby he left Amby and Alice laughed I looked so confused"wtf?"I said Alice was laughing"oh nothing nothing at all....."Amby and Alice said.....

Author's notes:yes jazzy's veiw of things!
