Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER FOUR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I woke up, I was definitely not expecting to wake up where I was. I looked around quickly. It was the house I grew up in, the house where I used to live. If this is my old house, then that means...

No way. That impossible. I'm sure this is just another dream. But I woke up, didn't I? I saw the blood. I collapsed...No, it was just a dream. A dream that feels really, really...real. No,Jessica snap out of it! This isn't real. When you open your eyes again you'll be in cold sweat, in your bed with your headphones still in your ears.

I re-closed my eyes and when I opened them I was still staring up at the ceiling of my old home.

That's not right. Why aren't I home yet? Better yet, how did I even get here?

Unanswered question were running through my mind. The only thing I knew was I had to get back home. I tried climbing out of bed but my head was so sore.

So it wasn't a dream.

I felt the cut and it was stitched up. I looked down at my body and noticed I wasn't wearing the same clothes. I was changed into a baggy shirt and shorts. Well, isn't that perfect. I somehow got back to my old home, somebody changed me and my head's killing me. I wonder when I'm gonna get back. Wait, am I ever gonna get back? What if they were planning on killing me? What if they were gonna torture me and then kill me? What if they were planning on using my body parts to create the first ever man-made human weapon? That would just be disgusting. There was so many 'What if's running through my head. Then the door started creaking open, slowly.

Jeez,how hard is it just to open a door quickly?

As if reading my mind, the person behind the door opened the door, quickly and walked in. It turned out to be...Kage?

"Hey, Jess." He practically kidnapped me, changed me and take me back to the place that I thought I was finally free from and all he can say is 'Hey, Jess'?

That's just not gonna fly with me.

"KAGE ANTHONY JAMES GRIFFIN!" I yelled. He winced at the fury in my voice."WHY THE HELL DID YOU CHANGE ME AND WHY THE HELL AM I HERE?!" I yelled, again.

"About that..."He said trailing off, laughing nervously.
Author's Note:I think this story is coming along great. Not exactly the best but hey, at least I wrote something. Anyways, I'd like to thank all the readers and say you guyses are so fwickin' amazing. And I'd like to give a special thanks to Red Kie for commenting and making my WHOLE week. And thanks a lot for saying Amby's cool, now Amby -the girl who's helping me write this- won't stop reminding me. But that's about it. Sorry for the short chapter.
