Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER THREE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Looks Can be Deceiving"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Quick Note:What Amby said in her last post was true. I was asleep and practically unconscious so I really didn't have much control on what I said. Now, ON TO THE STORY!! This will be the part where you get to learn a bit about Jess's past. I write for a lot of people's point of views and so does Amby.
"No, don't make me leave! I wanna stay! I have to talk to Kage and what's-his-face!" Jazzy was currently pulling me out of the mall and I was hanging onto one of those doors that slides open. I just love walking through them. It's so fun. It's all slide open! Slide close. Slide open! Slide close. Slide open! Slide close. Slide -Okay, I think you get my point.

"Jess, we have to get home. You can talk to what's-his-face next time!" Jazzy said, pulling on my legs harder, trying to make me let go.

"What if there is no next time?! What if this was the only chance I got and I blow it?! Then what's-his-face will leave and I'll never get to see him again! Then I'll be so depressed that I run off to join a circus and then I turn into an elephant somehow and then they sell tickets and the show will be called 'Girl That Turned into an Elephant!' and then I'll die and wither into nothingness and then they'll take my dust and throw it outside somewhere and then I get reincarnated into a prune and then-" I started.

"Jess, you're over-reacting! You're not gonna join the circus, turn into an elephant, turn into any dust and you're NOT gonna get reincarnated into a prune!" Jazzy yelled cutting me off, pulling harder this time with Amby helping.

"It's a possibility!" I yelled, holding on for my dear life.

"A very unlikely one!" Jazzy yelled back. Finally she managed to make me let go and they dragged me back to the car with me whining and yelling random things.

"RAPE! RAPE! SOMEBODY HELP ME! THEY'RE GONNA HOLD ME HOSTAGE AND TURN ME INTO A GUINEA PIG!" People were giving us weird looks and for some reason I was hearing voices in my head saying 'What is wrong with that child?' or 'Does she need help?'. It was a tad weird. They dragged me back to the car and they pulled me into it. Then we drove back home.

"I can't believe you made me leave!" I yelled.

"Jess, you were drooling." Jazzy said.

"So?" I said, plopping down onto the couch. Jazzy just sighed and put her car keys away.

"Well, what now?" Amby asked, plopping down next to me.

"We could bake cookies!" I yelled, jumping up.

"No way! Last time you made cookies they made it illegal." Jazzy said.

"Fine. Partypooper." I muttered the last part under my breath and went upstairs to my room. I lied down on my bed and took out my silver iPod nano and stuck the headphones into my ears. Before I knew it, I found myself drifting off into sleep.

I was running from something. Maybe someone. Whatever it was was fast because before I knew it something grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an alleyway. Whatever this was was tearing at my clothes while I struggled to get free. When I managed to get free I started running again.

"You can't run forever, Sweety!" The person called out to me. By the looks of it I was about ten. Whoever was chasing me obviously didn't want to give up because he tackled me to the ground. I felt my legs and arms scrap against the hard cement and I felt my head bang against it, as well. I could tell my blood was seeping out of my clothes and onto the ground. I started getting lightheaded and dizzy while the person kept tearing at my clothes. I knew I was losing the fight and I was eventually gonna have to give up.

This can't be happening.

I thought to myself.

But it is.

I heard in my head. That voice sounded dark and murderous. This was torture, I was helpless and vulnerable. I didn't know what to do but then a miracle happened. Before the guy could take away my virginity somebody else showed up. I thought he was here to hurt me more but he pulled the guy off me covered me with a blanket and took me somewhere. At the time I was covered with blood and I wasn't thinking straight. I kept struggling thinking he was going to do worse but eventually I passed out.

When I woke up, I was in a bed. I tried getting out of bed but I found it very painful so I just lay there, waiting for whatever was coming to me. That was when I remembered everything. I felt my head but I couldn't feel anything. I looked down at my body and found myself in new clothes and all my cuts healed.

Wasn't it just yesterday that I was wishing I was dead?

It was true. I was wishing I was dead last night or maybe it was longer. I just lied there. Thinking. There wasn't much to do anyways. I could hardly move and besides, it wasn't like I could go anywhere. That guy would probably kill me if I tried. It was then that I heard the door knob slowly turning. I waited for whatever was coming. When I heard the door creak open I waited for the pain to come but nothing did. I opened one of my eyes, slowly and I saw a guy. He had shaggy-ish, bleach blond hair and piercing green eyes. His skin looked flawless. But looks can be deceiving and I didn't know what to expect.

"Hi, I'm Kage." He said, with a warm smile. I could smile back and believe him or I could keep a straight face and not say anything. But I didn't want him to get angry and hurt me so I smiled back and told him a fake name.

"Jessica, there's no need to lie. I'm not going to hurt you." He said. But I didn't know if I could trust him. Sure, he saved me but after last night I don't think I would be trusting anybody.

I woke up with a jolt. I was heaving. I felt tears running down my cheeks and I saw the small scars that I could've sworn disappeared. Then I saw small cuts forming into bigger ones. They got deeper. Deeper. Deeper. I started to hyperventilate.

I woke up, breathing deeply. Trying to catch my breath. I looked down at my arms and found them normal. No cuts, no scars. Nothing. I relaxed a bit and then I felt my aching head. I touched a spot lightly and I immediately regretted it. It was so painful. I got out of bed and walked over to me mirror. I gently moved my hair aside and saw the scar that had been there was open and blood was slowly seeping out. I went into panic mood and I ran into my bathroom. I jumped into my shower with my clothes on and let the water run onto my cut. It stung and blood was pouring out of my hair. I then felt dizzy and collapsed...
Author's Note:It's a cliff hanger! Tee hee! I hate those too but it's fun writing them. I bet if I was the reader I would be harassing the author to write the next one. But since I am the author and a nice one. I'll write the next chapter later. Byes for now!
