Now,to my readers, I know me and Amby haven't updated the story very often, well, not at all basically.What I'm saying is and this is very important to know 'cause if you don't read this then the story will get a WHOLE lot more confusing. Well, not a whole lot but it won't make any sense at all. Anywho's, I am restarting the story. Most of the characters are still the same, yes.But I will be adding in new characters and new names. Also, some of the characters are leaving. Like, and I hate to say this, Alex. So far that's all I know who is leaving. Oh ya, Hope and Destiny. And, sorry for all the fans of them, if there was any. And I also hate to say this, especially this, Kyle and Aaron will barely get mentioned. Maybe once or twice, but that's about it. And I might change the name of the story, too. Basically, the whole plot of the story is changing. Well, maybe nit the whole plot just most of it. I know I haven't been on much and I have a perfectly legit answer to why I haven't. Well, it's not exactly 'legit' but it's a type of excuse. Well,types of excuses. A) I have other stories on different sites to attend to for my other readers. B)I have friends to attend to and family, as well. And C) I simply can't find the time. Either I'm chatting on MSN, out with my mom or dad, reading, watching movies and etc, etc, etc. Now that that's done, here's a bit of the new story!!!!
"Wow. Can you say hot?" I said to Amby and Jazzy while we were at the mall sipping our drinks. Directly -well not directly, more like at the other side of the food court were three of the hottest guys I've ever seen but only one caught my eye. It was the one with lip rings, shaggy-probably dyed- black hair,icy blue eyes and skinny jeans.

"Jess,you are too boy crazy. But, the one with the blond hair isn't that bad looking."Jazzy said, eying him. Well, maybe not, but I was imagining it probably. I was too captivated with the guy's icy blue eyes.

"Ya,she's the only one that's boy crazy."Amby said with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, it's not like you weren't looking at them!I mean, really, look at them!"I said motioning over to them."The guy with the icy blue eyes is soooooo dreamy." I said, practically melting on the spot. Don't get me wrong, I'm not normally like this but he's so, so, well, hot.A girl can dream y'know.

Well,there's part of it. Not exactly the beginning but you get the point. Anyways, I might be starting it tomorrow or tonight, all depends on what I feel like doing. ENJOY!!!

