flying creatures and one sad Jazzy

Poor Jazzy
I also slipped into unconsionsouis without knowing what I saw was Ryan,Aaron,Aiden,Kyle and Seth all pacing around trying to figure out a plan I was ivisable to them but I was there"RYAN AARON AIDEN KYLE AIDEN!!!"I screamed nothing I kicked my kidnapper and he growled"fucking dumb bitch" okay that for one made my blood boil I got up awake now and my eyes were Bloody red I smirked evily at them and growled Jumping on them one pinned me down while I kicked and screamed I kneed him where the sun don't shine Alex was waking up Pissed like me she through the guy on me into the Wall we held eachothers hands and a magic went through them Alex and I smirked and the guys we had cornered looked like coachroaches and Alex and I are about to exterminate them We both laughed like ensane people I kicked one in the jaw with one of my side jaw kicks Alex her upper kick upper cut thing was awesome we sent the guys with their tails tucked behind their legs Alex and I ran to the door and down the steeps to a forest I saw a snowy Owl my favorite Owl and grabbed it"hello beautiful bird"I said to it it hooted I smiled "Talk sweet heart"I said the bird spoke"Thank you very much Jazzy"It said to me Alex's eyes went wide "tell the guys we're at this forest and tell them to follow you Snowy"I whispered to Snowy he was going to be mine for sure and I was going to make sure"Come back to me okay?"I said to Snowy Snowy hooted and I smiled....

I'll get a picture of a snowy owl okay?I really am Tired sooooo bye bye.....
