Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

__________________________________CHAPTER 12__________________________________
Y'know what I hate a lot?When I loose my special guitar pick my brother gave to me.That's what I hate.So here I am.Looking all over my room for that,oh so precious guitar pick.Sure,I had other ones but those ones didn't come from my brother that died last year in a car accident and they also didn't have his band's logo on it.
I yelled frantically.I kept repeating her name until she barged into my room with a concerned look on her face.
"What is it?!?!?Are you okay?!?!"
She asked running up to me checking my arms,wrists,practically my whole body.
"My guitar pick!!!I lost my guitar pick!!!"
I yelled at her.
"That's why you yelled for me!!!You lost a stupid guitar pick that could easily be replaced?!?!?"
She yelled angrily at me.
"Not just a guitar pick!!!My brother's guitar pick!!!"
She knew exactly what happened to him.She knew how much that guitar pick meant to me.She knew how much his death affected me,even though nobody else did.
"I'll help you look"
See,this is why I loved Jazzy so much.She could easily know what's wrong or how hurt I was no matter how hard I cover it.So now we were both looking around the room.But e couldn't find it.
We both yelled loudly.He was there in half a second.
"What happened?!?!?"
He asked looking over us quickly before relaxing figuring out we were fine.Soon all the guys piled into the room and I noticed something shiny in Ryan's jean's pocket.I looked more closely until realizing it was my guitar pick.I pulled it out and relaxed entirely.
"Never mind"
I replied.Clutching the guitar pick in the palm of my hand.
"You yelled his name that loud for a guitar pick?You almost broke my eardrum!!!!"
Ryan yelled.
"Well,sorry!!Did your brother give you his special guitar pick on his death bed?No,I didn't think so"
I replied harshly.
"Death bed?"
He asked softly.
"Yes,if you must know my brother's dead.Died last year"
I said my eyes looking at the ground while my fingers fidgeted.I always did that when something was bothering me or when I wanted to keep something private.
"I'm sorry"
Kyle said softly.
"No problem.I mean,he was bound to die sometime"
I licked my lips ad took a deep breath.
"I'm hungry"
Jazzy said trying to change the subject knowing how uncomfortable I was in talking about my brother.
