Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

___________________________________CHAPTER 8__________________________________
God,I REALLY HATE COLDS!!!!They're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"One problem,Jazz.We still don't have any clothes to change into"
"Oh,right.Ryan go get them"
Aidan said to Ryan.
"Why me?!?!Why can't I stay here?!?!"
"Simple.Nobody trusts you around girls"
He 'hmmphed' and stomped out the door causing it to slam.
"It was probably a bad idea to let him go to your house and get your clothes"
"And cars"
Jazzy added.
Aidan finished.
"Kyle,you stay here and watch them while me and Aidan go make sure Ryan doesn' anything"
Aidan groaned at trudged out the door mumbled something that I heard.
"Goddamn,vampire.Why can't he just keep his fucking,perverted hands to himself"
Just thinking about what he meant by that made me regret ever being a girl.They left with a slam of the door and then silence.
"Do you have cookies?"
I asked with my head tilted to the side.
"No,but we can make some"
Kyle replied.
Kyle nodded his head and my eyes went wide with excitement.
"Well,why the hell are we just standing here?!?!"
I asked enthusiastically.
Jazz finished for me.We all ran to the kitchen and we started cooking.
"Jazzy,I'm cooking"
"Don't you remember what happened to-"
I cut her off before she could finish that sentence.
"Yes,I remember.But I only did that once and he turned out fine"
"But his-"
Jazzy said but I cut her off again.
"Yes,I know his eyebrows never grew back but he told me that he can actually see hair"
Kyle's eyes went wide with fear and he held his eyebrows stepping away from
"Don't worry,it was only once and Jazzy was the one who took out the matches"
Kyle relaxed intensely.
"Luckily we don't have matches"
He said.
"Now that that's passed let's get back to making cookies!!!"
I yelled.
"Ooh!!!Can we also make hot chocolate??"
Jazzy asked with hopeful eyes.
"What do you think I'm doing way over here?"
Kyle said standing in front of a cabinet getting out mugs.And 3 packets of hot chocolate.
"Oh.I'm gonna start making the cookies!!!"
I yelled running over to the refrigerator.I got everything I needed while Jazzy took over the hot chocolate.I quickly got out the bowl and mixing thingy.Oh!!Whisk,yea,that's it.
I said to Kyle while Jazzy was waiting for the water to boil.
Kyle said handing me a cup of flour.
I said to Kyle.
Kyle said while handing me the eggs.
I said.
He handed me the milk.
"Don't forget the chocolate chips!!"
Jazzy added.
"Right.Chocolate chips"
I said putting my hand out.
"Chocolate chips"
He said handing me the chocolate chips.
"I'm stupid"
"I'm stupid"
He mimicked.
"Wait we don't-Hey!!!"
He said while Jazzy laughed in the background.
