Can I hit the vampire over the head with a frying pan?

well you see it seems Jazzy and Ryan hate eachother but that could change fairly quickly and Jazzy wants to make sumthing for dinner stir Fry and whatever
I took a seat by Alex and Ryan sat next to me I growled at him in hate at him Alex sighed"Dam Jazz stop your giving me a headache you and your new boyfriend"Alex said
"Boyfriend?Him?Hahhaahhaah!Never ever when Hell turns to cotton candy"I said laughing
"we can make it that way Jazzy"Ryan said I narrowed my eyes and growled stabbing the food with a fork and glaring at it
"whats wrong Jazzy don't tell me the food is bad please please is it?"Aaron asked worried
"no no Aaron its fine actully its better then what Alex cooks she can burn alot of food and she always does she can only make Popcorn"I said
"HEY!ITS NOT MY FAULT JAZZ!!!!GOD DAM YOU KNOW THAT"Alex yelled I slapped her on the head"Idiot shut the hell out before i grab mmmmmmmmm my Halloween socks that I have on and stranggle ya!"I said in a cold voice Alex shutted up and glared at me
"Oh I feel soooo alive and well you know I would kill you with socks and that was for the Boyfriend thingy Alex"I said smiling at her evily and whispered to her"Food fight?"
"oh hell yeah lets bust out the Fire rockets and buzukas"Alex whispered back
I smiled and grabed a random food and threw it Alex did the same
"FOOD FIGHT!!!!"Kyle yelled
"WE WILL USE OUR AWESOMENESS AWESOME POWER BAWWAAHHHHAAA"Alex and I yelled throwing food everywhere thats when someone hit me with Mash potatos"Oh no Alex I'm dieing say good bye and tell them I loved them our family Good bye"I whispered between the mash potatos on my face and faked died
the guys went wide eyed and glared at Ryan who was whistling"wasn't me"Ryan said
I kept quiet and listened Alex growled"LIAR LIAR LIAR YOU KILLED HER DAM YOU DAM YOU!"Alex yelled at Ryan throwing Mash potatos at Ryan hitting him I jumped up and Laughed everyone laughed we were all covered in food "Ummmmm we need to change big time and take baths"I said shaking off food from me and shivered"I feel so dirty"I muttered
"good you should for liking me"Ryan said
"Oh shut your fucking pie hole Ryan!"I yelled bad thing was I was wearing a black bra with a white shirt and I was covered in food I growled and covered my chest"WHAT CHA LOOKING AT FOOLS!!!"I yelled

well thats all I need Jess to contuinue and how'd ya like it?

