Been a while: Since I saw you last.

-------------------Amby's P.O.V-------------------------------------------------

Everything was Erie quiet I didnt move nor did anything stir..

Something is very very very wrong I thought to myself but I just stood there bewildered at the pause and no sound of anyone in the house I should have heard Jess and Aiden or...someone else..

"Amby?You noticed something was wrong too right?"Lea asked her voice soft which was never soft due to her nature. I nodded it just wasnt right for some reason.

I stepped on the stairs which gave one of those spooky horror movie stairs groan I shivered Okay now there is Something very wrong I thought.

Being my usual quick to react person,I ran up the stairs to Jess's room the erie feeling creeping up my throat as a scream of horror.

I turned the door knob quickly and...As I looked around I just saw Jess was blacked out and Aiden...He was a monster..The Erie feeling crept up my throat again and my heart felt as if it did when I let out a horror filled voice it was shrill and loud the scream was a wood splitting bone crunching sound that came from the mouth.

Ryan ran up the stairs and grabbed me as he was about to say are you alright,
Aiden looked up at us in the door way and....




Okay its been a loooooooooooooooong time since I've posted on here buuuut We will try to get to it ^^

Jess just has too much homework and Im just bored outta mai mind. ^^'

Comment belooooow!~


