Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Strange Places and Identical Faces~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Isn't death supposed to hurt? Aren't I supposed to suffer or get judged or something along those lines? Aren't there supposed to be two paths to chose from?

If so, why is everything pitch black and why is there a lady that looks like me in a white dress floating towards me? Wait, I think it is me.

"I can't believe it! I knew you should've stayed with Luke!" She yelled, she was pacing back and forth, the long white dress dragging on the floor behind her, well, I think it was the floor.

I tried drowning out her rants but they seemed to be getting louder and louder until it was everywhere. I tried running from it but I couldn't. It was all around me, wherever I went, it followed.

Then I was falling, I didn't know how I fell but I did. The air was rushing around me, my body pummeling to the ground at top speed until I landed. But no, my life didn't end yet. I landed on something soft, a chair. It was about two sizes bigger then a normal chair, red and comfy. It would of been really comfortable if two men with black cloaks that covered their whole body, two men with white cloaks and a lady that looked to be in the middle. She had a black and white cloak.

"Ah, Jessica. You're right on schedule." The lady said with a smile. "To my right.." She said motioning to the black cloaked people. "..Are two angels of death and to my left.." She said, motioning to the white cloaked people. "..Are regular angels. We are your judges." She said.

What is this? A game show?

The lady's body shook with laughter and the angels chuckled a bit. But the two angels of death stayed perfectly still, their eyes dead-set on me.

"Of course it's not a game show." She said, her laughter dying down. "We're here to judge whether you live or die. Now, we must have your choice first and then we shall consult." She said, with kind eyes. This lady was really starting to freak me out. But I knew what I wanted.

"I want to die." I stated. It was as simple as that. I did. I was tired of people being put in dangerous situations all because of me.

The lady nodded, curtly and they all started talking in hushed whispers.

"We have made our decision." One of the angels said. He had a deep voice and it was unexpected to my ears.

"You shall live." One of the angels of death said.

"What? Why?" I asked. I was positive they were going to kill me right then and there.

"Because, Sweety, it's not your time yet. You still have years and years to live and your life wasn't meant to end now. Therefore, you shall live." The lady said.

The chair disappeared and then them and then everything started getting brighter. My eyes were opening.

"I think she's coming to."


"Daddy! Daddy! The lady's waking up!"

My eyes slowly opened to see twinkling eyes and small faces.

"Wow, Daddy, she really is pretty." The girl said.

"She even looks like you, Dad." One of the two boys said.

"Don't scare her, Jordan. We don't want her running away screaming." The older one said. He looked to be about 13 or something like that.

"Wh-Where am I?" I managed to croak. My throat was so dry, it was hard to get the words out.

"You're in my house, Jess." I heard a voice say. I turned my head towards the voice and saw somebody I hadn't seen in years.

"No. It can't be." I whispered.

"Actually, it is. I missed you, Jess." Chris said.

He was here. He was really here. He kept his promise. My older brother kept his promise.
Author's Note: Aren't you happy she didn't die?

Well honestly I'm disapointed.......

------------------------Amby's pov.------------------------------------------

Well honestly I'm disapointed I mean that girl wasn't Jessica??i was about to break down and fall and never get up ever ever again not without Jess!!!just as I said this I fell down in the dirt Crying loudly I was so sad I didn't want to lose the best thing that happened to me since I died and since I found out Ryan loved me I can say I was definatly disapointed I was sad and I was broken I felt as if my arm was torn off I was missing parts of me without jess here i felt unfull unwhole un whatever everyone near me looked at me in shock Sweety ran to me and tried to pick me up but I stopped her from picking me up by digging my fingernails which now grew into claws into the ground growling and snarling I swear I would rip someones arm off if they came withen thirty fucking centimeters from me which Sweety currently was but I couldn't do that to her I ran away quickly and jumped up in the sky big big 16 feet wings unfurled from my back and I zoomed up into the sky looking down at the small forest and saw Kage carring Jazzy and saw Lea with a blond haired girl laughing and coming out of a bar I narrowed my eyes then took off with maximum speed peice of cake I zoomed up into the sky through the clouds and stopped near the currently high full moon I looked kinda like a angel but I disregaurded that quickly If I was an angel I'd be the angel of Death which I would bring down on myself I zoomed around my wings flapping I heard many things in the stillness of the night I swear I saw the same girl on the ground but I disregaurded that quickly My wings were different one was black the other was white I was not normal never was since I was born ya know?I never fucking cared for labels but now I did cuz' My wings I saw this before My wings changed colors again one was black and the other a dappled color well at least my black wing never changed right then both my wings turned black and grew Haahaha great I'm the fallen angel lets Fly then shall we???I zoomed down to Sweety again almost falling on my face cuz' my speed My wings furled up close to my back and I almost screamed out in pain My wings haven't ever been used yet even though I unfurled them alot to see I never ever used them I screamed out in pain "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"My scream of pain echoed through the forest I was sure many many heard it cuz' everything went quiet.....

---------------Sweety's pov.---------------------------------------------------

Amby's wings unfurled her wings and zoomed off I screamed out in shock just alittle scream Amby's wings were 16 feet wide!!!!!

------------------------Jazzy's pov.------------------------------------------

I woke up to a scream of pain it sounded from Amby I woke up with a fright"ahhh Amber!Amber she cried out in pain!!!!we I we we need to go help her!!"I said looking at Kage I stared at him for a few minutes before i decided I should really pay attention to where I am and plus I already saw his direction skills at work

"urmmm where we going Kage???I mean uurrmm well since you have bad direction sense maybe I should navigate"I said

truth behold I was very tired and didn't want to walk I wanted to rest I yawned and snuggled more into Kage since he was carring me I guess I'll have to help him from My Mind....

---------------------Izzy's pov.----------------------------------------------

Okayyyy strange....I heard a scream of agony and I thought of my cut hand it was bleeding and large drops of blood fell on the ground...I swear I wanted to grow wings and fly away from this but it would never happen i knew this soo I took the pain like a woman could only take it that is a woman werewolf I transformed into a wolf and limped off into the woods more and fell down into some moss and stuff I looked around and layed my head on the moss I never knew I'd need help me being blind was worst sadly my vision was going bad I couldn't see at all now I could only hope my ears heard before something got me....My ears twitched and my eyes opened to pure darkness not even a single thing could I see it was all pitch black I had a feeling I would scream out for help but that was just the begining of it all I had a feeling we'd meet up with bad bad people just wait I can scence it and imagine this I had a vision of Jazzy....

-----What i saw-----------
Jazzy was pregnate while fighting off some people from a child the child looked just like Ryan and Amby mixed he was screaming for Jazzy to run and get away and save herself but Jazzy fought "Don't worry about me worry about yourself!"Jazzy yelled at the child the child nodded and watched as Jazzy's blood spilt around him and Jazzy fell to the ground bruised and bloodied Jazzy Smirked stupid stubborn Jazzy that I love "I WILL NEVER BACK DOWN YOU BASTARDS!!!!!GET AWAY FROM THE BOY!!!!!!!!!BEFORE I KILL YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!GET THE FUCK AWAY!!!!"Jazzy yelled at the people they kicked Jazzy which Jazzy yelped in pain the child ran to Jazzy's side snarling at the people before Jazzy pushed him back into the corner she had him go to I was actully scared about this vision Jazzy pulled herself up but fell down she looked so bad she was bruised and bloodied to hell of course I felt bad cuz' she was going to be hurt so bad Jazzy looked up at the people her eyes swollen shut it seemed now Jazzy pulled one on the leg of their jeans and got kicked for it Jazzy laughed a bit she knew she was going to die My sister was going to die no no no

After that vision I was crying my tears soaked my fur "Jazzy why did you do that why did you sacafice yourself for that child??Jazzy why why why!!!I'm going to lose the only thing worth living for!!!!"I yelled tears streaming down my muzzle I was so sad....


Author's notes:soooooo fucking sorry that I wasn't posting I kinda like had a power outage sorry!!

Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An Experience Nobody will Forget~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No, No, NO, NO!

It wasn't supposed to be this way! I was supposed to be normal! I was supposed to grow up happily! With friends to have my back and understand me, family to car and protect me, a place to run to in case I needed to and somebody who would love me for me!

I was supposed to marry some guy, start a family, grow old with him and be done with my life!

Now you're probably wondering what's happening.

Well, let's rewind, shall we?
I kept running through the forest, jumping over broken branches and tree roots, dodging the tree limbs that were far too close to the ground, my heart pumping, my legs moving faster and faster.

The wind was whipping my hair around and I consistently had to push it away. But I knew I couldn't stop, no matter how much my muscles told me to. No matter how much I wanted to, no matter how much I wished to turn around and run back to my friends, family and possible lover.

But I couldn't. It would only put them in more dangerous so I ran faster. Faster then I ever knew I could.

And faster.

And faster.

And faster.

Then I tripped.

A vine had somehow popped up and wrapped itself around my ankle, pulling me back and bringing me down from my long run. I slammed into the leaf covered ground with my hands to catch my fall.

It was too much force, I heard a crack and then another one. My left wrist was broken and so was my ankle. I cried out in pain and that's when I realized my head was also there to catch my fall.

The ground absorbing all of the blood that seeped out.
That's what brings us to this.

People say that your life flashes in front of your eyes when you die. Well, mine just did. Except all I saw was the pain I had caused my loved ones and I knew that this would be the final pain I would feel. The final pain that I would ever cause and even though I knew I was about to die, I was happy.

Even with those thoughts in my head about being normal, I was happy I knew that I couldn't cause anybody else more pain.

With that, my eyes dropped,a smile graced my face and the world I once knew...

Went black.
Author's Note: Wondering if Jess dies? I'm sure you are, but I'm not telling of course my co-writer will find out... The same way everybody else will. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pulling it Off~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Who the heck was she? And how does she know my name? Although she does look pretty familiar.

Ugh, not the point! If I did know her and she was who I thought she was I would have to make this right. And that meant lying.

"Who are you? And who's Jessica?" I asked.

She looked saddened.

"I know it's you." She said in a weak voice.

"Um, no. It really isn't." I said. Surprisingly, this skirt was actually pretty comfortable, in fact I sorta liked- Wait! What am I saying?! I don't like mini skirts!

Although, the one I saw in hot topic didn't look so bad I mean- No! Stay on topic, Jess! Get a hold of yourself!

"Oh, well then, sorry for disturbing you." She said, leaving the house. It really was Amby.

I wanted more then anything to hug her and tell her it really was me and go home but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had to do what was best for her. I was tired of putting her in danger all because of me and my mistakes. She didn't deserve it and I wasn't gonna do that to her again.
"You're right. If you didn't follow me, I probably wouldn't have made it out for another couple weeks." I said, picking up Jazzy, chuckling.

I carried her bridal style and kissed her on the forehead.

I really did love her.
I ran into Amby, still searching.

"Anything?" Aidan asked, anxious and hopeful.

"Nothing. I found a girl who did smell like water lilies but she looked nothing like Jess and she didn't even know who Jess was." She explained.

"Oh." Aidan said, sulking again.

I knew it.

He still loved her.
"Luke, we have to leave." I said, holding back my tears.

"Jess, don't you think you should stop running?" He asked, desperate now.

"No." I snapped. "I can't. I can't put them through all of that again. They don't deserve it." I said. "Now, you can either stay here or leave with me. Either way, I'm not staying."

I was now in his sister's old room. I picked up the bag and got ready to jump from the window. It faced another forest and I got enough sleep for me to make it another day.

"I'm not running, anymore." He said, planting his feet where he was.

"Fine, have it your way." I jumped down and my skirt flew up. Damn skirt. I pushed it back down and ran straight into the forest. I took a glance back at the house and I saw Luke staring at me.

I turned my head back around and kept running, the wind whipping my hair around.

Now where do I go?
Author's Note: Finally, right? I haven't posted in like forever! I'm glad I got this out. Thanks to all my readers!


-------------------Jazzy's Pov.---------------------

I'm glad I followed Kage cuz' he got lost in the forest ugh I would have lost someone great "Your sooooooooooo lucky I followed you you dumbo without me you'd be lost hhaah"I said looking past Kage cuz' I couldn't look at people after following them its a habit okay after I said this I fell to the ground cuz' I ran too fast and got wore out by that I fell down in the dirt panting this took alot outta me and good thing was Mating season was over HHA!

-------------------Amby's pov.----------

Grrrrr Koh was annoying and thing is Shes going to walk up to that house and knock on the door thats just what she did waltz right up there grrr "HELLO IS ANYONE HOME?!"Koh yelled I ran out to the door too shivering a guy and a girl answered the girl smelled of water lillies Jessica!!!I looked at the girl I figured was Jessica and glared accusingly she looked at me too glaring

JESSICA!!!!!!!!"I yelled pulling the girl

I knew she was jessica I had the feeling

"I DON'T WANT YOU TO RUN TRUTH BE IT I LOVE SAVING YOU!!!!!Your My Dang sister and I love you and never want you outta my life realize that for me please and we're not going to be happy without you please come back"I said

I hoped she got that cuz' I meant every word of it

-------------Lea's pov.--------------------------------------------

I tilted my head back to actully see a guy checking me out he looked kinda drunk Terry laughed "told ya soo Lay-Lay!"she said I rolled my eyes at her and kept looking at the guy he looked kinda filmiluar? nah its my imagination I thought I got up and pulled Terry to the dance floor and whispered about non sense one of the whispers was about Underwear color we laughed I like this Terry girl shes awesome!I felt eyes on me and turned to bump into a guy "Eeep!!!!Sorry!!"I yelled blushing Terry laughed at me I'll kick her ass the guy laughed too okay he was drunk

--------------Sweety's pov.----------------------

lea said she needed to go to a bar Let her go yo a bar yeah I let her go to a bar I could tell she was going to come back drunk I didn't care I was just here for no reason and scared.....

-------------Izzy's pov.-----------------------------

I was stumbling through the woods and everything I fell and cut my hand so now I dripping blood and scared