Funimation Now Has Classic Harlock TV Series In Streaming Videos

8:02 PM Canada EST

To all you fans of the "Harlock" franchise out there, here's a reminder that Funimation Entertainment, the studio who holds U.S. rights to Leiji Matsumoto's "Galaxy Railways", now includes two 1970s Sci-Fi Anime T.V. series classics based on Manga series by the great master author Leiji Matsumoto himself: "Space Pirate Captain Harlock" (U.S. title: "Captain Harlock")(1978) and "Galaxy Express 999" (1978). Both series are rated TV-PG. This means that at last, more of Matsumoto-Sensei's Anime works are finally given the chance at being officially subbed in English for North American viewers (although only available in online streaming videos), and as for you fans who have seen "Captain Harlock" on U.S. T.V. in the past either in the form of "The Adventures of Captain Harlock" or in the heavily-edited form of "Captain Harlock And The Queen of 1,000 Years" (in which part of it is edited of footage from "Queen Millenia" (1981)), now you can experience the great legend in an unamericanized and more uncut/unedited format.
