Decorating Cookies

ok, so today my mom want me and my siblings to go decorate cookies at her friend's house. i really dont like going over there. she is the only girl in the family. she has 4 sons, who can get really annoying

its not like i have a problem with going over there to decorate cookies i just really dont want to....if that makes any sense


ok, so i have this massive headache and i dont know wat to do!!!
it started earlier in the day, it just wont go away!!!
what do i do?

Lunch Seats

ok, today was really embarassing for me. ok, so at my school when u come u basically pick one seat to sit at for the rest of the year. and if ur a drifter ur doomed

well i have a seat, but it was taken by a drifter and my friends didnt say anything or do anything. so i ended up sitting with these two girls, who r absolutaly evil!!!

wow, i sound like such a brat. i dont mean to sound to sound spoiled, but it is my blog

Christmas Tree

well i just finished helping put up our Christmas tree
it was fun, but i didnt get to put any ornaments up, just the lights
i ending up being the one this year to put up all the decorations in my