Here I am, safe & sound, in the hustle 'n bustle of downtown Atlanta resting up and awaiting the great con that is Momo: MomoCon!

We had a pretty decent trip to start with-which was good. I slept most of the way! >.< The traffic was actually pretty tame. :) While we were cruising the highway towards Atlanta, I saw a semi hauling a couple of pine boxes. You're probably wondering why you should even care about that, well, when we went to MC last year, we got hopelessly lost and my poor mom had a wee bit of a meltdown. "I WANNA GO HOME, BUT NOT IN A PINE BOX!!! *insert sobs here*.... Yeah, so we had a good laugh about that! Pine box! XDDD

The trouble started when we couldn't find the street that our hotel was on and had to drive about 2 hours around a college campus fraternity to find it. I was amused by the site of real-life frat boys, who were starting bonfires and sitting on old car seats. They have some ghetto frat houses here! 0_o; Yeah, someone was having a keg party...The unholy amount of ice they were carting into the dorm was probably a good tipoff. Greeeat...Drunken frat boys! *sarcasm* It's a miracle we didn't get flashed or something. *gags* Our hotel is smaller than the one we had last time...Thugs are hanging out in the lobby, so I'm just trying to keep quiet in my room watching epic movies about Egyptian slaves revolting against the priests. Meh. Not to mention that Atlanta is Drug Cartel capital of the nation...No quiero mortar! Good thing I'm taking Spanish this year! XDDD Hahaha. Well, that sums up about what's happened in the last few hours. Wish me luck at the con tomorrow. I'll see if they can take cosplay photos. Maybe if someone cosplays Tyki Mikk like last year, I can have a slap fight or something. XDDD Yeah...Well, I'll see ya'll later! Be safe, and be Otaku!