
Lol Hello everyone! *looks at stats* Wooooow... Lots of hits! Das Gut! Das Gut! Keep 'em coming!! I apologize if I left without warning, my family went to Myrtle Beach on vacation. XD It was good fun; I got a lisence plate fore my electric scooter that says "drive it like you stole it"! XD

Well now, I'll also be leaving this coming Sunday for a summer camp and won't return until the next week. I know, I'll miss ya too. Hopefully I can grab a computer and let my camp friends say hello! =^_^= I haven't been able to get in touch with Zhen-chan as of late, but I have spoken to Battousai-chan *(see my art for some pics)* She said Hi to ya. I found out something that I never knew before: She can make some delicious pizza!! She works at the local Pizza Hut. Wow...Oh, and her Dad taught her some more submission holds...*whimpers* Aside from my friends, lets switch to movies! Has anyone seen the new Indiana Jones movie? Pretty awesome, kinda far-fetched, but awesome! =D Hmmm...Now that I've updated on my current blurbs of life, I'll take my leave now. I'll stick around to the end of the week, but I'll be busy. Thanks for listening in! *waves*

Here is an extra for you! A pic of Lavi!!! Did this a few weeks ago on MS. DO NOT STEAL, LESS THE WRATH OF WAFFLES BEFALL YOU!!!
