Gah! Tagged!! I have been!!!

Name: Cathryn
Birthdate: August 9, 1993
Birthplace: Some hospital..., SC
Current Location: Living room
Eye Color: Brown. Sometimes camo-green. Am I really that redneck?
Hair Color: DARK Brown. With some copper-ish strands.
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Leo. RAWR!
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Male or Female: Female
The shoes you wore today: Barefoot, bby! <3
Your eyes: Chocolate brown with a thin, red crescent of blood (due to lack of sleep & stress) in left eye.:D It looks cool.

Your fears: SPIDERS, Being alone, hurting someone really badly (physically and/or emotionally).
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: "LOL", "I don't know"
Your thoughts first waking up: "Noooooo..."
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Hair & eyes. I like shoulder-length hair~!

Your best physical feature: My hair since it's really long and soft.
Your bedtime: Weeknights: 10-11 PM. Weekends: 2-3 in da morning~!
Your most missed memory: Playing outside with my neighbor's dog, Abby. She was one of my first friends EVER!!!
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi!!! 'Ho yeeeah~!
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: What are these dates you speak of? D:>
Adidas or Nike: N/A
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Can't I have both?
-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: Eck. NO!
Cuss: ...N/A
Take a shower everyday: Yeah. Every other day, I wash my hair.
Have a crush: .........maybe. ///
Do you think you've been in love?: I'm still trying to decide on that. ):
Want to go to college: YEAAAAH!!! PARTY PARTY PAR- Ahem, yes. For the betterment of my education. :)
Like high school: Not in the slightest. I only like seeing my friends.
Want to get married: Yeah. Still gonna party like the single ladies do! ;D
Type with your fingers on the right keys: ....Does this count?
Believe in yourself: I do my best to.
Get motion sickness: When my dad's driving.
Think you're attractive: My chick-friends say I am, but I'm not too sure. I kinda look...dead-ish in an undead-ish way. Most of the undead are pretty, right? :( This is confusing.

Think you're a health freak: No, but I'm trying to watch what I eat more! >:)
Get along with your parents: For the most part yeah, but my mom and I are like Napalm-oil to Napalm-water...that love each other.
Like thunderstorms: YES!!!
Play an instrument: Yah, I play the piano and the canjo (Yeah. That's right.)
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: I think I did.
Eaten sushi: No.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: Thankfully, no.
Gone skating: Hate it.
Made homemade cookies: No. Just peach and blackberry cobbler
Been in love: No...
Dyed your hair: My mom would skin me with a starfish if I did. D:
Stolen anything: No.
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yeah, about 2 or 3 times.
Missed school because it was raining?: Noooo... 0_o
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: I have Hinata syndrome so...NO!
Cried during a Movie?: *bawls eyes out* I love the HP movies.
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: ...... ;>> <<;
Had an imaginary friend: A unicorn. I think.
Cut your own hair: About 3 times when I was really, really little.
Had crush on a teacher?: No. D:
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: ....... >///< MYB
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Felt like it. Sugar rush URGH.
Been called a tease: No, but I like to! ;D
Gotten beaten up: By bullies? No. By BFFs? *points to scratch marks* LOL yep! :D

Been in a fight: With my friends in elementary school.
Shoplifted: NO BOI! DX
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: Later in life, yes.
Numbers and Names of Children: Don't really like kids all that much.
How do you want to die?: In my sleep, or someway that's kinda cool, but didn't see coming, y'know.

What do you want to be when you grow up?: A Disney Imagineer, or graphic designer!!!

What country would you most like to visit?: Japan, Romanis, England, Greece, Italy, Moracco~ *rambles on*
-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: Icy blue, Bright green, or brown. As long as they're bright! XD

Best hair color: Ash blond, black, or red!
Short or long hair: Long, but not suuuuper long like mine.
Best height: As tall or taller than me!
Best weight: Slim-ish, but a little pudge is cute. X3
Best first date location: The arcade or movies? *cliche*
Best first kiss location: Somewhere secluded.
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
Number of CDs that I own: OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!! LOL About 20+, really.
Number of piercings: None. ): *wuss*
Number of tattoos: None.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: You want the whole list or the top ten?
Number of scars on my body: A few.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Too many...
Shampoo: Anything flowery.
Fav Color(s): Black, red, green, blue, gold, silver.
Day/Night: Night.
Summer/Winter: SUMMER, BBY! <3
Fave Cartoon Character: Cross Marian~! <3.
Fave Food: BBQ Porkchop-on-a-stick~~~!!!
Fave Movies: Wolverine: Origins, anything with Adam Sandler.
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: My hand-me-down "I <3 Me" teddy PJs!!!
Drinking: Nothing.
Thinking about: How much I hate "Pride and Prejudice"...
Listening to: "Last Christmas" by Ashely Tisdale :3
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: From laughter, yeah!!! XDDD
Worn jeans: NOPE.
Met someone new online: Yep. On an RP group! :)
Done laundry: Nah.
Drove a car: Nope, not legally anyway.
Talked on the phone: To my mom.
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: Ultimately, yes!!!
Your friends: YES
Santa Claus: ....Myb.
Tooth Fairy: No.
Destiny/Fate: Not so much.
Angels: YES!!!
Ghosts: Yeah.
UFO's: Yep! It'd be ignorant to assume otherwise.
God: Absolutely!!!
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yeah. Jesse LOL!
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No... T_T
Do you like anyone?: Kinda :3
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Chessy-sensei~~~!!!
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: At my new school, Zhen-chan. She's crazy, but I luff her!
Are you close to any family member?: My Dad, Papa, and uncle.
Who do you hang around the most?: My friends.
What's the best feeling in the world?: Making new friends~~~!
Worst Feeling?: Being ostrasized for being who you are.
What time is it now?: 3:46 PM LOL
