Hi, everyone! Welcome to RaspberrySammich! My internet studio-away-from-home! My friends and fellow real-worlders, Battousai-chan & Zhen-chan, welcome you! Feel free to leave a comment, or question during you stay, K? This WORLD is dedicated to my hardworking friends, but mainly to the dedication of my art! If you want to leave requests or ideas, do so! I may not get to all of them, but I'll do my best! One thing...NO YAOI/YURI! Sorry, but that's the only thing. Well. Um...I think that's about it. I'll be adding more stuff in the future. Maybe even a disscussion board! :D Good evening to you all!

Beach Time!

Hello, folks! *waves jubilantly* I'll be leaving tomorrow to go to Myrtle Beach! I probably won't be back on for a week, but I'll report in as soon as I get home! I'm sorry I'll miss all of your wonderful posts, but I'll work on my art so I'll submit more! I'll miss all of you! Later! XD *skips off with Cross-sama in moogle inner-tube*

Camp Scare

Hello, Minna-san. I'm back from summer camp and ,thank God, in one piece! I was always expecting something funky to happen since I watch Jason movies (Jason fangirl XD). Anyway, I was walking down the third floor hall when I saw a group of girls crowded around a window. I asked what was wrong and one of them was half-scared, half-excited. She chuckled and said that some random dude had rode down the street on a bicycle, thrown a firecracker under a car, and rode off. I looked around but didn't see anybody. I continued my way down the stairs and casually glanced out the window. THERE HE WAS!!! He was reaching under the car, trying to retrieve the failed firecracker. I opened the window and screamed...some choice words and told him to scram or I'd call the cops. He screamed something back and pointed at me. My friends were laughing at the guy, but had no idea I had gotten into a shouting fight with him just a few windows away.

By that time, another group of girls had come down and were yelling at him too. I swear that man was high, because he was rolling on the ground and acting like a general idiot. It was funny at first because he was acting stupid, but I was getting tired of that jerk. I had ran downstairs to tell the counsilers, who called the cops, before he could flash us or something XP. I ran back upstairs and heard from one of my friends that the guy had shot a firecracker at the flippin' window!!! He clambered back onto his bike and rode off. Then the cops came and drove straight past the road the guy had been on just 2 seconds ago!!! We started screaming at them, asking "ARE YOU BLIND?!!!". I don't think he was caught. God, that was scary... -_o; Other than that, the trip was pretty fun. Story of my life: I'm weird and stalkers hate my guts.

Inquery on Lazy-chan: Writer's Profile

Within the confines of every otaku’s realm, be it house, apartment, or even a box, you’ll find someone to chat with and share Pocky. Sure I’ll talk to you, but if you even think about touching my Pocky…! Hello, I’m Lazyweird1! S...

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