F&H Chapter 9- Mokona's report!

" It would seem that I spoke too soon!" Syaoran saide mournfully. "As of now this is anyone's game. The outcome is uncertain.. Wait a minute! A glint of gold... is that the snitch? Hikaru's seen the snitch! Akito follows her close behind. Their diving!"
Akito and Hikaru whizzed through the chill air and ended their dive a few feet above the ground. An uncertain silence fell as the spectating students leaned forward, trying to see which team had won.

"I can't believe it!" Syaoran announced. "They are both holding it mid-air! Slytherin and Hufflepuff both earn 150 points and the game ended with a score of 160-160. Tie game!"

After the game concluded, Syaoran and Kyo slipped through the hordes of students flooding back through the halls and snuck inside Fai's office. There, Syaoran passed on the message that Sakura had given them.

"So someone's erased our memory?!" Kurogane asked, furious.

Syaoran cringed. "Yes, but I don't know how or who."

"This is so irritating!" Kurogane complained.

Kyo shrugged. "With Halloween arriving, we should be able to figure everything out. We can devise a plan to see what Snape is up to."

Fai brushed a golden bang from his eyes and his expression darkened. "In my opinion, these events all intertwine. First, Snape, according to Sakura dies, and then each of us loses our memory. And don't forget that Peeves was found petrified in the Great Hall. In order to snip this weed before it gets nasty, I advise that we speak to Sakura as soon as she's out of bed."

Mokona floated into the room, flapping its ears with delight.

"OH! Hello Moko-chan!!!!!" Fai said brightly.

Kurogane crossed his arms. "You see? THIS is why I can't take him seriously," he whispered to Syaoran and Kyo as Fai caught the small creature in his arms and the two began to snuggle. "First he's serious and now he's as cheery as a kid on christmas."

Mokona popped its head out from under Fai's arm and saluted. "Permission to report sir!"

Fai giggled, Kurogane snorted, and Kyo elbowed Syaoran in the ribs. "What is that thing?" He asked.

Shrugging, Syaoran said, "Mokona is Mokona..."

Mokona took a deep breath and began the report. "Mokona just seen Snape. He was acting very strange. His eyes were wide open and he kept saying: 'She has the rest of them, she has the rest of them, she has the rest of them.' All the while, he was attaching a message to a black owl who I've never seen before. Do you have any clue what it means? Because it was really weird!"

Syaoran nodded. "It means that our suspicions have been confirmed: Snape is definitely up to something.