Return of Aims Week

Kyarri: Whoo! Pervert is gone! We are saved finally!

Neji: thank goodness. He’s annoying.

Usagi: and I didn’t have to relive last semester’s Government class… the images. They BURN! (btw, for my watchers, this is technically my journal-post for tonight; I just gotta put a link on theO or copy and paste it there, since that’s my usual main journal source. So don’t say I’m breaking the Missionary Week code because it’s not “surfing the net,” per se.)

Kyarri: images?....><# WHAT DID THAT SON OF A-

Horo: Whoa Kya! Don’t blow up!

Kyarri: ok fine. Breathe in. breathe out….OMG FASCHING IS THIS WEEK!!!!! (Fasching is “the season of fools in my heritage country Germany and is very similar to Mardi Gras here in the USA…but isn’t as explicit…so I was told)

Envy: Shrimp man! You should be over there (referring to the movie)

Ed: hey! Munich has Oktober fest not fasching!

Kyarri: well technically Fasching is for all…. 0.0 whoa Ed! You didn’t react to the ~covers mouth realizing she almost said the word that is forbidden to be used around Edward Elric~


Kyarri: Kyuu! I sorry! I didn’t say any of that!

Usagi: ~Usagi chops Ed before any damage happens~

Envy: Hee hee! I got out of that one-

Kyarri: EAT MY FRIGGIN’ OLD BIBLE AND TURN IT TO MULCH YOU STUPID PALMTREE!!!!!!! ~does well known bible attack at Envy using Usagi’s scriptures due to more mass and books combined~

Ren: double pwnage.

Usagi: Huh? Since when do you use pwnage?


Ren: Random ooc moment.

Kyarri: ……don’t ever do that again.

~random moment of silence except for Kyarri’s cat meowing in the background~

Usagi: ~hears kyarri’s brother call her cat a stupid demonic cat~ wait. Your cat is a stupid demonic cat?

Kyarri: have you not heard the stories?! (Ok watchers and Otaku people, I am not in my ranting mood today hence forth I will not tell you the Adventures of Kyarri’s stupid demonic cat because I am to friggin’ lazy)……Meh. The silence is drilling a hole in my brain at the moment. Wanna find something to do?

Usagi: not a bad idea

Tuesday Morning~

Kyarri: ……Meh……Me no want to wake up!

Usagi: lucky; you don’t have to wake up early for a class grade this week.

Ren: but you do realize it’s still a matter of choice.

Usagi: -.- if Bro. Goss is doing the same thing this year, we can only count extra credit after earning a certain number of points on this assignment. And I’m sorry, but I care about my Seminary grade (and if I don’t get the Honors Award this year, so much for the 4-years-in-a-row deal)

… But I almost value sleep more.

Kyarri: hey I said I would get up with you in support…Horo how many times do I have to tell you my arm is not a teddy bear!!! ~hits horo with a book to wake him~

Horo: ow! Is it breakfast yet?

Ren: no!

Envy: I’m hungry too!
Sanzo: then eat mulch palmtree!

Goku: now that you mention it…I’m hungry too! Kya chan you going to make eggs again?

Sanzo:……always thinking with your stomach aren’t you?

Goku: hey!

Kyarri: well…after we get dress I guess I could make some eggs and pancakes.

Horo: begins drooling~

Goku: whoohoo!

Sanzo: then hurry up. We’re starved!

Usagi: he might not want to do that!

Kyarri: glares~ fine. I’ll hurry and make breakfast AND THEN I’ll make you eat it with the other end and make you do the dishes you jerk!

Goku: burn…

Sanzo: you wanna die?

Kyarri: try getting your gun out of the cabinet first…Hee hee! Hey Usagi! I found the perfect shirt for you to keep the guys away during your missionary week! ~holds up shirt with a pic of a girl kicking a guys butt that says “Put your best foot forward~

Envy And Usagi: rofltao

Neji: Kya, you better hurry if you want to make the eggs. Your brother is up too and is acting just like horo.

Kyarri: 0.0 oh gosh……

~in la cochina de la kyarri~

Kyarri: breakfast is ready!

Goku: is already at the table eating the pancakes and eggs~

Horo: hey! That one was mine tiny monkey!

Goku: Hey at least I don’t turn into that big ape like the dbz goku!!!

Kyarri: You know…I’m almost glad Mi chan isn’t here because she would encourage goku to do that so she could see a monkey.

Goku: wait Mi? the other crazy lady besides you?!

Kyarri: Um…I’m not sure if I should take offense to that but yes.

Kanda: Kyarri! Where is the soba!?

Kyarri: we haven’t had any in weeks!!

Horo: hee hee!

Ren: who would eat soba for breakfast

Ed: it’s kanda we are talking about keep that in mind.

Kyarri: ^^’ this is going to sound terrible…but…wait is allen here?

Allen: Wait you got eggs again and that really good german stuff too? Sweet!!!

Kyarri: whispers to Usagi~ How am I going to explain to mom and Lucy the miraculous disappearance of food?

Ren: goblins. Ugly goblins with stomachs the size of Russia came in and ate it all.

Horo, Goku, and Allen: HEY!

Kyarri: ^^’ …hey horo? Random question. Are you related to Black Star?

Horo: …I’ll plead the fifth.

Kyarri: Hey! Not funny! I wanna know and don’t use my Am Govt work to mess with my mind!!!

Allen: think of it this way, it’s not as bad as being related to Excalibur… or Kanda.

Kanda: -_-# and what’s that suppose to mean beansprout?

Allen: It’s Allen! A-L-L-E-N! Allen!

Kanda: Good job beansprout. You can spell!

Allen: pfft. Miniskirt.

Kyarri: total devestation occurs in the kitchen~ ;_;

Allen: …never mind. ^^’

Kyarri: still devestated~

Ren: great. This is why fangirls should not study too much in common voice actors.

Kyarri: goes to Mr. Corner~ kyuu

Envy: Kya! You left the stove on!

Usagi: turns off stove and comforts Kyarri while looking at allen~ Look what you’ve done!

Kyarri: r-roy mustang= y-y-yuu kanda. N-n-not right!

Usagi: In this case you may have to refuse the dubbed like with ren in his ~in british accent~ lobster back british accent.

Kyarri: b-b-but I’ve been waiting for this…I Know! We watch FMA and I chuck something that I don’t like eating at roy!!!!

Ed: I’m in!

Horo: we can chuck envy at roy!

Kyarri: 0.o

Ed: all in favor say Aye!

Envy: only if the chibi shrimp with an antenna goes first!

Ed: not happening!

Neji: will you guys just shut up?!

Goku: the syrup is sugar free. Is that normal?

Usagi: fine by me! Less calories

Ren: women and their diets-

Kyarri: slams Ren’s head into peach yogurt~ eat your peaches and shut up.

Usagi: have fun in the shower with the little time you have hot water!

Kyarri: smirks evilly~

Kanda: …there is a trick to keeping the hot water longer isn’t there?

Kyarri: yup! And ren isn’t going to find out- 0o0 better idea! ~runs to the dishes and uses all the hot water~

Ren: KISAMA!!!!! ~runs out of the shower dripping wet~

Kyarri: acts innocent~ what now? And watch the lang- WOAH REN I DON’T NEED TO SEE THAT IN THE MORNING!!!!

Usagi: blushing like crazy and turns away~

Ren: realizes he is only in a towel and goes back to change~

Kyarri: suppresses laughter~

Ren: I heard that!

Kyarri: heard what? I don’t know what you are… ~blames envy~ stop imitating me!

Ed: that was a good laugh in the morning.

Kyarri: you know what I just realized? He only needed to wash his face really.

Ren: glares~

Kyarri: begins staring contest with ren~ I can do that as much as you.

Envy: hee hee! She is worse than me and horo combined right now.

Neji: kya did you have caffeine?
Kyarri: nope. Nor did I have sugar.

Ren: glances at sweetener~ sure it wasn’t that?

Kyarri: ha! I win and no there is no sugar in that!

Ren: we weren’t in a staring contest to begin with!

Sanzo: ~reading paper~ could have fooled me.

Kyarri: Chaos, panic, and disorder…my work here is done…I just realized ren is lucky. I haven’t re-enacted the shirt Usagi is wearing!

Allen and Goku: 0.0

Ed: too bad.

Kyarri: hey I just realized it’s mom’s anniversary today and my neighbor is coming over with some plans. Wanna help?

Usagi: Sure

Kyarri: it’s not an option for the bishie!

Bishie: crap.

~while working~

Kyarri: hey ren! Since you want hot water, do the dishes!

Ren: glares~ shut up

Usagi: do them!

Kyarri: ooh! Pwnage!

Ren: whatever. ~does dishes~

Kyarri: hee hee! I’m such a kid! Yay my work is done! what?

~a few minutes of boredom~

Kyarri: …

Usagi: playing with a cat toy~ this reminds me of envy with a fro

Envy: glares and holds down his hair/palmfronds~

Ed: huh. You may look better with an afro!

Envy: shut up flea freak!

Ed: flea freak? What the- ~catches on and begins rant~

Lucy: hey loves! Wanna help? ~is carrying wedding anniversary stuff~

Envy: 0.o it’s …white.

~outside decorating~

Envy: hey I bet we have enough streamer to tie short metal alchemist to the tree.

Ed: hmm…I could use alchemy right now!

Usagi: Ed don’t! She’ll have to keep watering him and while he whines Feed Me!

Kyarri: I do that already!

Allen: actually life as a plant would suck! You would be stuck in the sun all day!

Goku: Wait how would that work? I thought you needed something for equivalent exchange? Does he have the ingredients to make a palm tree?

Ed:Welll he can shape shift already and I figured if I can mess around with that.

Envy: Shut Up already! Man I’m gonna fire mah lazer on ya

Kyarri: Hey! No stealing little sister’s quotes! ~sees balloon fall~ 0.o thank goodness Death the Kid isn’t here. Now the table isn’t symmetrical.

Usagi: yeah good thing

Kyarri:…I need ribbon for my card! Sanzo? Do you have any shiny ribbon that goes with your crown?

Sanzo: I swear I am going to shred you one day.

Kyarri: no you won’t because I feed you, I have guy clothing for you to use and an extra bed.

Ren: you don’t bite the hand.

Kyarri: wow! We have to get ready for school now! See ya peoples! Hey Ren! Where’s the rest of my peach yogurt?!
