
Name: Helga
Species: Demon Servant of Aeirin/fallen Valkyrie
Element: Wind
Familiar: A flying horse
Weapon: Sword
Hair color: blond
Hair style: extremely long and trailing behind her
Tattoo/Rings/Piercings: Helga has a tattoo of the crest of the Valkyrie on her shoulder. She also has hoop earrings
Clothing/Appearance: Medium sized in height but bulky in built, Helga looks like a wrestler if nothing else. She usually wears armor even when in the uman world among people. Wearing a viking helmet with huge horns, she appears ready for battle almost always.
Personality: Like Avarti, Helga is extremely strong in personality and won't hesitate to fight for the simplest things. She is extremely fond of Aeirin and will often act as a mother around her. Around others, she is simply a strong woman,
Background: Far older than her master, Aeirin, Helga was originally a Valkyrie woman of the Norse who 'fell' for some unknown reason causing her to become twisted and demonic. Her past is very scant in nature due to the fact that Helga has only confided with Aeirin. Upon first meeting the child, Helga thought Aeirin an unworthy master, but after some time, she became attached to the child and became very protective of her. Despising Ryoen beyond the course of reason for simply being around Aeirin, Helga became all but viscious whenever Ryo was around. Hwoever, she has managed to calm down a bit over the years yet remains extremely protective of Aeirin.
Goal: protect Aeirin at all costs
