My Very First Post [meow] =^w^=

My very first post hmmm wow I really don't know what to say well I guess I could tell ya bout mahself.
Well I 15, and my birthday is on Valentine's Day, yeah I'm a romantic (lol jk)
Like my name says I like cats, I'm a kitten myself, lots of my freinds tell me that I act like a cat, weird huh
But yeah I really love fishes they're so intresting, and tastey (yum)
I love anime and I read lots of shojou manga.
But I like my anime with fighting and blood and extremeness
Or I like random anime like Bobobo-bo-bobbo bo
or however you spell that but you all catch mah drift, and excel saga.
(sigh) My fellow Otaku friends
I really don't know what to say anymore when I do I'll write some more so until then
See ya later nya~
