Yay for Funtown!

And Splashtown ^^ Since it's my last summer as a girl scout, we went to Funtown Splashtown and it was wicked fun. I've never actually been to Splashtown before, but I really liked it. I went on this thing called the Tornado and it's like a huge funnel. http://www.funtownusa.com/information.php?info_id=28&osCsid=5fa2fa9a279669f8f34659af16520d33 The green and yellow thing is the Tornado ^^ At first, we were allowed to bring a friend if they paid, but I didn't ask anyone, so then on Monday when we went we thought my troop leader (co-leader tecnically, my other one is my mom) had two extra tickets. Anyway, she gave them away but hadn't actually bought them yet, so I could invite someone. I called Kayla, but she was saving money up for a concert so I called my cousin Katie. (She was up with her dad for the week) And off we went. We went on most of the slides in Splashtown, and we each got a Waterslide Mudslide drink (frozen cappucino with irish cream basically.), plus fries and fried dough. It was yummy
