Huzzah! I figured since some of my friends mostly use TheO now, I'd make a life site of my own! It'll most likely be the same posts as my MyO one, but hey, you never know xD But anyway. Here be thy basics~
*Name: Lauren. But please, call me Koo.
*Birthday: 7/22/93 I'm 15, You betcha~
Book: Speak, Twilight series and A Walk to Remember
Anime/Manga: Furuba, Bleach, Faeries' Landing, Loveless, and lots more!
Bands: Saosin, Goo Goo Dolls, Seether, 3 Doors Down, Hinder, Staind, etc
Singers: Taylor Swift, Cascada, Gwen Stefani, Gary Allan, Justin Timberlake xD Timberland
Movie: Transformers, Hellboy, Steel Magnolias :3
*I like water :3 *dances in rain*
*My favorite color is blue
*My friends and family kick arse
*I'm pretty open minded
* I love to sing. It's kind of a talent I guess.
And yeah~ soes! Wanna be friends? Just sign the GB, add me, and we'll chat sometime ^^ And go visit my friends!
Now, remember: "When nature calls, you probably should answer it. It might be important! D:"

I'm so sick..

...of unrequited love/like. I know how pointless it is, but I can't stop thinking about Seth. I find myself liking him more and more, and I don't want to. I don't want to screw up a friendship with him by trying to force my feelings on him. I mean, I don't car if I think he's cute, but I don't want to like him. If he found out, he'd probably feel awkward because it's the second time he'd find out I like him...I only wish I could control my feelings, y'know? Alright, I'm gonna stop complaining....Here's a song I like =D I dun know why I like it, I just do. i'm kind of obsessed with New York O.o (Flavor of Love, I Love New York, New York Goes to Hollywood) It's creeeeepyy...

I fell down the stairs D:

My parents said I could get a purity ring :D
And in other news...I fell down the stairs D: Seriously. I was walking down to get scissors from the kitchen and I didn't see my brother's green tote sitting on the stairs, and I tripped over it and fell down. I sat there crying for about 10 minutes because I had hurt my back and my foot and they hurt really bad. Maaan were my parents pissed at my brother...but I lived at least. My back and foot still really hurt though. I went hiking today so it probably brought it out more.
What's up everybody?


I gots a myspaaaaace. It's fun x3


I reeeeally want macaronie and cheese right now....*twitch* why am I so wierd? xD
Soes, I slept over my friend Casey's last night with a few other friends, and we watched some movies, like Sweeney Todd, Disturbia, Transformers (Shia love xD) and Mean Girls. *heartheart* That movie is actually really good....but anywaaaay
Hmm yeah. Not much else. School starts in....18 days ^^ Woo, I'm actually excited for it. I miss my friends that I haven't talked to lately...and to make it worse, Kayla's phone is disconnected....*sadface* yeah....


I'm not quite as close to a friend as I used to be...and I don't have the money to go to Canobie Lake park with Edchan *cry*