Huzzah! I figured since some of my friends mostly use TheO now, I'd make a life site of my own! It'll most likely be the same posts as my MyO one, but hey, you never know xD But anyway. Here be thy basics~
*Name: Lauren. But please, call me Koo.
*Birthday: 7/22/93 I'm 15, You betcha~
Book: Speak, Twilight series and A Walk to Remember
Anime/Manga: Furuba, Bleach, Faeries' Landing, Loveless, and lots more!
Bands: Saosin, Goo Goo Dolls, Seether, 3 Doors Down, Hinder, Staind, etc
Singers: Taylor Swift, Cascada, Gwen Stefani, Gary Allan, Justin Timberlake xD Timberland
Movie: Transformers, Hellboy, Steel Magnolias :3
*I like water :3 *dances in rain*
*My favorite color is blue
*My friends and family kick arse
*I'm pretty open minded
* I love to sing. It's kind of a talent I guess.
And yeah~ soes! Wanna be friends? Just sign the GB, add me, and we'll chat sometime ^^ And go visit my friends!
Now, remember: "When nature calls, you probably should answer it. It might be important! D:"


D: I'm sick of the fighting!!!!

Survey or randomness~

10 to 1 of My WorldTAKE THIS SURVEY!
How did you get one of your scars?*looks* Uh, I think that one is from shaving..
How did you celebrate your last birthday?partyyyy


External Image

First two days

My schedule and friends I have in them~
Chamber Singers: Evan, Debra
German 2: Joey, Sara, Taylor
Geometry: Evan, Sara, Cody, Kayla
LUNCH-Evan, Sara, Sarah B
Soph/Lit Comp honors: Evan, Casey(girl)

Art Fundamentals: Alyssa, Liz, Casey (boy)
Biology: Mike
Health: Evan, Tay, Kate
LUNCH!!-Debra, Tay, Evan, Lindsey, Chantal
History: Emily (Edchan), Meghan

It was really fun the first day! We did our usual stuff, passing out of papers, finding lockers (I SWEAR mine opens without a combo!) going to classes. The spotlight was put on me in Chamber singers though D: but I liked it xD
Then today was the same, just with our white day classes. My friend Victoria and I spent an hour in advisory (unneeded the second day for much more than 15 minutes, really) trying to figure out a friggin lizard puzzle! DX But it was overal la fun day. But I miss Curtis Tony Ray and Lindseyyy....except for lunch with Lindsey I barely see them...

Icky D:

I've been puking like nuts lately D: No I'm not pregnant, and sorry for the image I gave ya, but I had some bad lettuce the other night and my made my tummy hurt >: I start school on Tuesday and I'm supposed to have someone over tomorrow and maybe go see a movie so I hope I'm better by then because I've already had to cancel plans at someone's house because I was sick and I feel really bad about it D: