
HI. How is everyone? What is new? Not a whole lot going on here. I am just sick. I am trying to get over it fast. I hate being sick. :( On a happier note I got my Fruits Basket dvds I wanted. I love the dvds. :) I have read the books. That is how I first got addicted. I am slowly working on getting more anime. That is why I was wondering what you guys liked so I can find a new anime to read or watch.

Right now I am on a search to find a job at home. If you guys know of anything to help me with that I would greatly appreciate it. I am slowly getting my scentsy business going. :) Next month I am going to be doing a fundraiser for SPCA's. Every time someone orders from me I donate a certain amount from your order to the SPCA. Also I am excited about our new products coming out March 1st. So many nice products. We don't just sell scant bars, and warmers. We sell fragrance foams (hand sanitizer), scents circles, travel tins, stuffed animals with scent paks in the back and much more. I better stop rambling. If you ever want to check my website out its at the top of the page.
