Screw That!

I stood in the now clean living room, staring at a massive dog, an uncomfortable looking bed, and the back of the person who was supposed to help me catch KIRA. But no. First, she kills my laptop. Second, she takes me to this dump of an apartment with this beast of a dog. Third, she expects me to sleep here. Oh, and did I mention that she knows my name, but didn't bother to introduce herself to me? Other than some vague 'she-wolf' comment, I got absolutly nothing.
Well, I've got two words for you, 'she-wolf': Screw. That.
I'm going home to my neat and organized living space where there's actually real food in the cupboards.
I stood stock still, grinding my teeth in frustration and anger. She thinks I'm inferior because I lack field work? She thinks she can keep me here with her stupid dog? She thinks I'll actually stay here, and sleep in that bed, where the obvious neglect makes my fingers twitch and my skin crawl?
Screw. That. I'm gone.
I grabbed my jacket off the floor, where it had been roughly and unneccessarily strewn, and reached for my laptop. My laptop where she kept a dormant virus on call at all times. That she could reactivate in a matter of seconds. I think not, actually.
I dusted off my jacket and slipped it on, then pushed my fists together, making my knuckles pop in the most unseemly matter. I know, it's not exactly polite, but, hey, I'm human, alright?
I'm gone. I slipped out the door. Her stupid dog looked up at me, but didn't seem to care. I guess since its mistress was not in any danger and it hadn't received orders to keep me there, I was of no interest to him.
Out in the hall I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket. There was a message from the office, but that could wait. Hell, it was frickin one in the morning by then!! I tucked my phone away and made for the elevator. I pressed the down button and waited. And waited. And waited. Wow, when you're this tired, you really get impatient.
Then, with a soft 'ding' the doors opened. I was surprised to see a tall, bald nad poorly shaven man already in the elevator. He looked equally surprised to see me, especially leaving at this hour. He gave me an odd, sideways look, then stepped out of the elevator and started down the hall. I stepped in and pressed the button for the lobby. Just as the doors started to slide closed, I saw the man turn the knob on the she-wolf's door.
Myh heart skipped a beat. I didn't lock it.
Right before the door shut completely, I stuck my wrist in the way, and shoved it back open. The man was gone, but the door was open. He was in her apartment!
I took a deep shuddering breath, and started down the hall. I paused outside the door, listening. I could hear him moving from room to room inside. Then down towards her room. There was no way in hell she could protect herself in that condition. Or could she? Even if she could, she'd be pissed that I'd ditched and left her door open. I quickly slipped inside, and darted towards the kitchen, holding my breath. I heard him pause, then shuffle. I glanced around the kitchen and spotted a huge frying pan hanging from the wall, dusty, of course, from never being used. I snatched it and peeked into her room, where he was standing ever her bed, pulling a knife from his belt.
I took two quick steps into the room and . . .
The man dropped to the floor with a sickly satisfying thud.
"Ha," I said softly. I win, you lose.
Then she sat up in bed, looked at me, hoding a frying pan at my side, then stood on the other side of the bed. "What do you think you're doing?" She hissed.
I smirked and pointed to the man with my frying pan. "Kicking ass."
She glanced down, and laughed, just as softly and defiantly as I had.
"Well, well, Elizabeth," she said. "Maybe you have some potential after all."


Finally, got to posting. Mind you, its one in the morning right now, so yeah. My apologies for any typos or whatever. :)
