Title 8D

Today was fairly uneventful. I overslept because I ended up staying up til 7am. >.> Yeaaah let’s have some coffee at 1am Kira. TOTALLY A GOOD IDEA!! oTL ||| I was so hyper by the time I went to bed. Ah well, I made some cool wallpapers and it put me in a way better mood. I was just really sad all day, and I didn’t really know why. But now that I think about it, I kinda did. *sigh* Anyway, I went to the store and got a shirt with the Union Jack on it! 8D What’s hilarious is that Blood had texted me earlier about buying the exact same one, then when I went to the store I found it too <33 Umm…I bought cookies too >.>; *has been craving cookies* Then we went and got Chinese food, which was exceptionally good. Maybe it was even better since I really didn’t eat anything til 7:30 Heh. No lectures please, I wasn’t hungry.

Such a boring post, but I am trying to make an effort to keep up again. I’ve lost my train of thought completely. I’ve also lost a day too. I thought it was Thursday, then Friday…now I remember it’s Saturday. Lovely xD;

Oh yeah, and I got some really yummy smelling lotion from Hollister the other day. I love it. <3

Random post over,
