General Update

One word: Busy. Oh, and procrastinating at the moment.

22nd birthday went well, demanded "no gifts!". My iPod finally kicked the bucket that night though (and my cell's been seriously on the fritz), so I will be getting an iPhone... in December when my Verizon contract runs out. Stuck 'till then, I suppose. My hermit crab died, too.

Anyway... finished watching Moyashimon (finally!) with anime club, and Kei... well, let's say I did not see coming that he would start working at the sake shop, as a transvestite lolita girl and kiss Sawaki, his male friend of 20 years or so. Wow. Great anime, though, and highly recommended. But it is definitely rated at least PG-13.

Hmmm... I did get one gift for my birthday, from my brother. An older version of DDR, a copy of Twilight Princess, and the audiobook of Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy. If only Tennant was the actor reading it. I wonder if he's done audiobooks, 'cause I'd listen to ANYTHING he'd speak. Anything.

I'm also a staffer from a local vampires LARP, now, too.

Talk more soon, as I have an 8 page paper due Wednesday, and a seven pager due on Thurs.
