Deidrex and Xemmsur

Here is the profiles for Deidrex and Xemmsur...just thought I'd put them here.
Deidrex is Sasukelover001's character and Xemmsur is khismylife's character.

Name: Deidrex
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Gender: Female
Hair: Blonde with a blue streak, short
Eyes: Cream
Teacher: Axel
Element: Fire
Weapon: Fire Shadow Blade
Goal: To become stronger. To remember what she lost and to try and understand why she exists.
Personality: Prankster. If in bad mood will keep to herself. She doesn't really like many people but she will get along. Can get chatty. If you ask her to go get something for you and it isn't important, if you ask where the heck it is she'll say she doesn't remember you asking her to get it. Sometimes she'll seem like a completely different person because she will switch to different personalities. Has amnesia with certain parts of her life and doesn't remember too well what she did after the organization members faded away.
Clothes: White T-shirt with a sleeveless jacket over it. Red, skinny jeans with boots that come halfway up her lower leg.
Number: IV

Name: Xemmsur
Age: 15
Height: 5'5
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown with blue streaks, shoulder-length
Eyes: dark blue
Teacher: Demyx
Element: Water
Weapon: No existence keyblade
Goal: Restore her memories
Personality: She really isn't all that neither upset about her existence nor is she pleased to be alive. She does want her heart back but she doesn't give all her will power to finding her heart. She rests in the middle. She does come with the certain nobody qualities but she can tend to get a little too talkative and a bit of a spacer outer. She is very shy around new people which causes her to get nervous. She disappeared after Marluxia’s death. She rejoined the new organization but she did not recall being there before nor do the others remember her. (Nyx has now seen a few memories with Xemmsur in them and vice versa for Xemmsur.)
Outfit: Pair of black shorts, blue tank top, a white zip up sweat jacket, white slip-ons (like kairi’s), and a necklace with the nobody emblem.
Number: XXI

