Apprentice profiles #5

And now it's Nevx and Ranx(he's new)

Name: Nevx
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Gender: Male
Hair: Dirty blonde, spikey and kinda short
Eyes: Crimson
Teacher: Roxas
Element: Twilight
Weapon: Archangel keyblade
Goal: Unknown
Personality: Prefers not to talk much and keeps mostly to himself. Spends most of his spare time wandering around Twilight Town and Radiant Garden on his own or sometimes with Lexian or Roxas. Can't remember much about who he once was besides that he was looking for either someone or something. Once the original Organization members faded away, Nevx disappeared along with the other apprentices but now resides in Twilight Town.
Clothes: Black sleeveless shirt w/ XIII design towards the bottom on the front, dark grey and black baggy chained jeans w/ one belt, black wristbands, and a dog tag choker.

Name: Ranx
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Gender: Male
Hair: Black, mid-back length
Eyes: Blueish-grey
Teacher: ???
Element: Chaos
Weapon: Jian/Daemon keyblade(doesn't always appear when he wants it to)
Goal: Used to be to obtain a different keyblade but has changed over the years. His new goal is unknown.
Personality: Basically a pretty strange guy with his own way of doing things, he's okay once you get to know him enough. But shouldn't be pushed too far since he's a bit impulsive and random too. Has a keyblade but it doesn't cooperate with him much, causing him to go after Roxas only to be utterly defeated. Doesn't really have a teacher, and just wanders about the castle. Disappeared with the rest and ended up in Halloween Town.
Clothes: Large, baggy vermillion long-sleeve shirt, light grey baggy cargo jeans w/ one belt, black boots w/ 2 small belts on each, and vermillion cloth ribbon tying hair back.

Think I'll interview Xerebus and some of the others now...

