Apprentice profiles #3

Guess Xirian and Liliax are next then...

Name: Xirian
Age: 20
Height: 5'7
Gender: Male
Hair: Light orange, almost shoulder-length
Eyes: Turquoise
Teacher: Vexen
Element: Ice
Weapon: Zanbato
Goal: To continue most of Vexen's research
Personality: A pretty nice guy overall, but even he has his limits. Being Vexen's apprentice, Xirian spends alot of time in the lab helping with experiments and research. Usually hangs out with Xemmsur and Xarin. Disappeared after Organization XIII fell and as yet to return.
Clothes: White high-collar shirt(kinda like Shino's but with shorter sleeves), light blue capris(stop 3 inches above his ankles), white shoes w/ dark blue details, and glasses.

Name: Liliax
Age: 18
Height: 5'7
Gender: Male
Hair: Ash blonde, short
Eyes: Pale lavender
Teacher: Luxord
Element: Time
Weapon: ???
Goal: Unknown
Personality: Not very talkative but certainly not shy. Likes to play cards almost as much as Luxord. Can get bored easily sometimes causing him to throw cards at a target. Disappeared after the Organization's fall, and has never reappeared to anyone besides Tanex.
Clothes: Off-white muscle shirt, tan cargo shorts w/ one belt, chain necklace w/ a pendent, and white hightops.

More on Sunday

