Apprentice profiles #1

Alright...let's get this started.
First up are Tanex and Marlex...

Name: Tanex
Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Gender: Male
Hair: Blonde, shoulder length
Eyes: Bright blue
Teacher: Xemnas
Element: Void
Weapon: Pink ring blade
Goal: Doesn't tell anyone but it's to reunite the original 13 apprentices.
Personality: Before any of you ask...yes he's gay, he's like Nathan from Blood+. Cheerful most of the time, but can be sadistic as well. Changes his voice from his usual cheerful tone, to a deep and menacing tone. He even scares Xemnas a little. At some point after the original Organization members disappeared, Tanex found Marlex and joined the other Organization for unknown he planning something?
Clothes: White sleeveless shirt w/ some ruffles at the bottom and a lavender bow at the collar, light grey capris w/ pink and lavender stripes up the sides, white and pink shoes w/ lavender details, a lavender wristband on his left wrist, and hair tyed back with a pink ribbon.

Name: Marlex
Age: 21
Height: 6'1
Gender: Male
Hair: Pale pink, semi-long
Eyes: Light grey
Teacher: Xaldin
Element: Wind
Weapon: Gwan Dao
Goal: Currently unknown
Personality: Basically...he's a mix of Riku, Roxas, Cloud, a small hint of Serphiroth, and a bit of Xaldin's personality. That's the only way I can describe him without frying my brain. Quiet and observant, and despite being a bit intimidating he can be kind to those he cares for. Disappeared at some point and everyone just started to forget him little by little for mysterious reasons. Joined the other Organization along with Tanex and recently reappeared before Nyx to test her before being stopped by Tanex.
Clothes: White long-sleeved semi-turtleneck, dark grey jeans w/ 2 belts, small chain necklace, and dark grey shoes w/ some white.

That was...INTERESTING...
So who's next?

