You still have me, my Doctor...

That title is pretty much to just amuse Ash and Alex.
Sorry if any one came here expecting a Doctor Who related post. One day, I promise...

I've been looking through a bunch of old posts on one of the RP proboards I'm part of and I started thinking again.
When you don't talk to someone for a quite awhile, you start to really miss them.
There were a few members that left and went to another board, and I've been thinking of maybe joining and catching up with them. I just never got to really know them and I regret that...

I do that a lot and I hate it. I miss opportunities to connect better with people because I worry or some other lame excuse. Doesn't matter where I am, I just keep doing it.

I mean, what the hell am I so afraid of?! If I dislike being alone so much, why can't I just talk to people more?
Am I just so afraid of being rejected that I shut down and stay in the background?
Is THIS why it takes me so long to make new friends?
