You call it 'Catching them all', I call it 'Making new friends'...

And NO, I'm not just saying that so N won't smite me with Zekrom.

Speaking of which, I miss that guy...his habit of appearing out of nowhere and giving speeches about stuff, I miss that. I've lost count of how many times I wanted to hug him for various reasons.
Plus he's not too bad on the eyes either...*can feel the eyes of N's fangirls trying to burn her already* I said it and I regret nothing... //w-
And his dad is such an arse, poor kid.

And the fact that I'm playing as a guy doesn't make any moment in the game awkward in the least...I mean it.

I think I thought get into the game a bit too sometimes though...//_.;
*swore at a trainer for knocking out her 'poke-friends'*

And the Daycare, although nice, worries me a little. It's cute when 2 pokemon I left there like each other and have an egg, BUT when 2 pokemon just HATE each and I STILL come back to find a egg...I worry...ALOT.

What else...OH, Cheren's pants are too tight and they look painful. I mean really, what was he thinking when he got dressed that morning?
And am I the only one who thinks he's stalking the main charater through most of the story? N just happens to be where the MC is going and just happens to be leaving as they get there. Cheren...he just runs after them really. He's still a smart kid though...

Bianca, while she sometimes just appears behind the MC like Cheren does, I honestly believe she doesn't do it on purpose. At least not most of the time, once or twice, maybe. She's just so adorably persistent sometimes too.

Pokemon trainers these days sure have interesting friends. :)
Annnd I turned this from a brief post into a random rambling post...ah well.

