I'm back

And apparently I can pass as a androgynous japanese guy...good to know. Definately gonna cosplay now XD;
And yes, I then played the 'I'll make a man out of you'(aka the Be a Man song). Just couldn't resist >D
I mean, I already knew I looked like a guy in some pictures but now I know the full extent of it hah...

Basic review:
~Spent almost a week with Ash at her grandparent's house. It was EPIC FUN >D
~Computer had to be taken to the Geek Squad because it won't work. Then after we got it back, the keyboard and mouse won't work so we spent a few days trying to figure out why(cat chewed the wires). It works now...
~My cat(Thomas) pretty much lives in my room now because he has issues with the world or something...I dunno.
~New quarter started the 4th so I'm in class 4 days a week...whoot...

Gotta go to class now, I'll try to post more later.
