Where random thoughts dwell...careful, they might bite.

While you're here, why not relax a little?

For those of you with drama, go here...because I have enough.

Well then, this is still a thing...

I have alot of nicknames and for some reason only a few of them are female nicknames... //_>;;
The ones in bold are the ones I've been called the most often.

~Mei(by most of my friends)
~Plum-chan(KiKaiya came up with this one)
~Itachi(compliments of Sasukelover001)
~The Ultimate Evil
~Kouichi-sama(psst hey, case ya didn't know or couldn't tell...I'm a chick, I'm just a tomboy)
~That psycho vampire chick
~Ringu(from my habit of just appearing without warning)
~CAPSKeyblade Master(from SojiRem lolz)
~That evil voice in your head
~Plushie Ninja Assassian
~Shadow on the Moon at night(thank you TNBC)
~Master Mei(thank you Kikaiya and Korukai XD)
~Creepy Doll
~March Hare
~That random person you see running around yelling random stuff(I might pass this one on to Alex)
~The bat amoung the birds
~Girl Riku
~Evil Plushie Clause(gee...thanks alot Chero lol)
~Spazztic Killjoy
~Morpheus(I blame friends in class)
~Izanami(from a story/fic)
~Fallen Angel Master of Black(kinda self-given)
~Rockstar(from class)
~China(one of many Hetalia nicknames I acquired)
~River Song/TARDIS
~Witch of Void of the Land of Death and Prisms(consorts being warlike rainbow tigers who like art)
~The Invisible Piano
~The Wardrobe

Can you read this?

> >> This is weird, but interesting!> > >>> > >> If you
> can> > >>> > >> Raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too> > >>> > >> Can you raed
> this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.> > >>> > >> I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod
> aulaclty uesdnatnrd> > what I was rdanieg. > > >> The phaonmneal pweor of the
> hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig> > to a rscheearch at > > >> Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
> dseno't mtaetr in> > what oerdr the ltteres in a > > >> word are, the olny
> iproamtnt tihng is that the> > frsit and last ltteer > > >> be in the rghit
> pclae. The rset can be a taotl> > mses and you can still > > >> raed it whotuit
> a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the> > huamn mnid deos not > > >> raed ervey lteter
> by istlef, but the word as a> > wlohe. Azanmig huh? > > >> Yaeh and I awlyas
> tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!> > If you can raed this > > >> forwrad it> > >>>
> > >> COPY AND PASTE ONLY IF YOU CAN READ IT> > >>> > >> --> > >>> >

I forgot that the mind could do that lolz
Amazing, isn't it?
Rlelay mkeas you tinhk dseno't it? :3

We're Trollin' the WORLD

Admit it, somehow you knew there'd be another one. --- 1) What's your character's name? Variiam Sylph 2) How old is he/she? about..7 or 8 solar sweeps so 17 is a good guess 3) Is your OC a boy or girl?...

Read the full post »


More like a Mii mob lolz

Mum get ticked off at her boyfriend and decided we should go shopping...
We got some CDs(two are mine), two PSP games(both FF), two or three DVDs(Sweeney Todd FTW), a Wii and various Wii games.

She had me set the Wii up this morning afternoon, now I'm creating a Mii mob so we can all stand in the background while my mom's Mii plays games and giggle at her.
So far she's outnnumbered 4 to 1 //w*
It's me, Ash, Ray and Alex right now, dunno who to add next. GAH if only it had a wider choice of designing options. Ah well, cest la vie...

As for Pokemon, I'm running around trying to train...
*sighs* I miss N already //__=


Maybe next time then...

Well, I wasn't able to donate blood because 'the veins in my arms are too small' so I'll just have to try again some other time.
It's too bad, I really wanted to help...

Mall trip was cut a bit short, but we might go again on Saturday maybe.
My BBB dvd came in~<3 //-^
And I finally got a Pokemon game, Pokemon Black to be exact. So I might start playing it later.

All in all, today was alright :3


Donating blood

Tomorrow my campus is hosting a blood drive and I always wanted to donate blood so this is perfect. //_^
A vampire donating blood...nice lolz
The appointment is at the same time that class ends so I might have to leave class a little early...

We're also going to the mall again tomorrow and hopefully the BBB anime dvd I ordered will be in.
Might stop in at Best Buy and get a new game.

I'll (hopefully) be starting a Oblivion challenge either this week or next. Depends on how this week goes...
