Kingdom Of Dreams Pt. 1-A

Chapter 4:

Prince Will walked out of the Seer’s room and gently closed the door behind him.
“Come.” was all he said and the three of them began their climb up the stairs. “Waz, Caitlin is on her way back to the castle. As soon as she arrives I want you to bring her down to see the Seer.” he stated, quickening his pace slightly.
“Yes sir.” he replied.
They arrived on the main floor in seconds; Waz walked away immediately and stood by the door in wait for Caitlin.
“She must talk to no one until she sees the Seer, is that understood?” the Prince continued.
Bowing Waz replied, “Of course sir.”
Will and Silver began ascending the stairs as Will called back, “As soon as she is finished you may come and join us.”
Neither man spoke a word until they got to the third floor and Prince Will said, “Silver, I do not want you repeating anything that was said after we left our guests, it will only upset them.”
“Yes sir, but…don’t you think it would be better if they knew that their friend was alright?” he questioned.
The prince shook his head and replied, “No, I don’t want them learning anything until the Seer speaks with them. After tomorrow they will learn everything they need to know.”
They walked up to the waiting room door and both took a deep breath, if what the Seer said before was true then no one must learn anything before their time or Miyo, as well as everyone else, would be put in danger. Will knocked twice on the door before he opened it. Imazo and Inazo rose immediately and bowed, the faint glow of the fire glistening off their eyes.
“Come friends, you must be famished by now. Silver, go and make sure the table is ready.” the prince stated with a forced smile.
“Yes sir.” Silver replied as he turned and walked with hast down the hallway.
“Did you learn anything about Miyo, sir?” Chase asked as they walked out of the room a few minutes after Silver.
“I’m afraid not, but do not worry.” Will answered.
They passed numerous doors before the prince broke the silence once more, “Unfortunately all of the rooms on this floor are taken so you four will have to stay on the fifth floor while you are here.”
“How many floors does this castle have?” Tisha asked taking in her surroundings.
“It has a total of nine, that includes the basement, the dungeon, and the one tower room. No one stays on the main floor, the second floor, or the top floors though.” he replied with a smile.
“Wow, the castle didn’t look that big from the outside but once you get inside it’s enormous.” Tharin said in awe.
Chase’s expression darkened, he wanted to ask the prince more questions as he could plainly see he wasn’t telling them the whole truth about Miyo. Something about him seemed odd, but he dared not press the matter further until the prince said something else.
“Tell me, what did you talk about while in the waiting room?” Prince Will asked.
Imazo smiled and said, “We did not get the chance to talk about anything.”
Inazo smiled after her and said, “Our guests were busy getting warm by the fire.”
The prince nodded in approval and said, “Yes, nights in this land tend to be colder than what is usual in other lands.”
They turned a corner and saw Silver standing by a large crystal blue door. “Prince Will, everything is ready.” he stated with a smile when they drew near to him.
“Ah good, please take your and eat.” the prince said and opened the beautiful crystal door.


Prince Blake carried Miyo up to the tower room and laid her on the bed. He looked up and out the single window in the room thinking back on what he just witnessed and the problems in would cause him. His eyes narrowed as he looked back down at Miyo and noticed her wrists. They were still bleeding heavily and Blake guessed she must have reopened the wounds when she fought him.
Taking a small piece of cloth from his side pocket he said quietly, “I hope you do not become a bigger problem than you are worth.” With that he torn the cloth in half and wrapped a piece around each of Miyo’s wrists.
As he turned to leave the prince drew his attention back to the window. There was no glass or cloth over it and a cool breeze was blowing in ever so slightly. The room was steadily growing darker with the setting sun and Blake let out a sigh as he walked out of the room.
Several minutes later he returned with a single candle and two pieces of heavy cloth. The prince lit the candle with a dim flash from the tip of his finger and set it on the small table next to the bed. He hung the first piece of cloth over the window, engulfing the room in darkness save for the light of the candle, and placed the second piece over Miyo.
The room was now growing colder with the absence of the setting sun, but Prince Blake was certain his actions would keep Miyo from freezing to death. He looked down at Miyo a second time before he turned to leave but something made him stop and gaze back at her. The faint light from the candle barely brushed her face as she slept, unaware of the world around her. The prince closed the door behind him and felt immediate anger as he sealed the door with a spell and walked away with a steadily growing hot face.
Prince Blake did not want to believe he had growing feelings for the girl. He should not have helped her like he did and he certainly should not have talked to her like he had. The castle could hold up against an outrage like that, so why did he stop her? He knew very well why, but he did not want to believe it.
The prince walked down the stairs leading up to the tower, he could not let this bother him now he had things to do and he had to prepare himself for when Miyo awoke. He could not be certain how she would react when she did wake, if in fact she ever did. The prince walked into the throne room to find Integra, Abel, and Alister waiting for him.
“Sir, is she…?” Alister asked as he bowed to his prince.
“She is sleeping in the tower. I want all of you to leave her be until morning.” he replied as he sat in his throne.
Integra sneered as she sat next to him, “Are you planning to freeze her?”
She laughed as Blake scowled and answered, “I closed off the window and she has a candle and blanket for warmth.” Integra stopped laughing and Abel and Alister shared a glance.
“Leave us, the prince and I have some things to discuss.” she demanded.
Alister and Abel bowed and said in turn, “Yes your lady.” They turned and left through the door Blake had entered minutes before.
Integra rose and walked behind the prince’s throne, her arms came around and caressed Blake’s chest. “Now, don’t tell me that little girl has you all flustered.” she cooed to him.
She began to run her hands down his armored body until the prince’s hands shot up to stop their decent. Anger flared in Integra’s face as she came around to the front of the throne and folded her arms in front of her. “I hope you haven’t forgotten what you promised me.” she barked.
Prince Blake shot her a look of fury and stated, “And I hope you haven’t forgotten your place, witch.”


Waz only had to wait two minutes after Prince Will and Silver were out of sight before a small green glow flew by his face.
“Caitlin, wait!” he called after it.
It stopped instantly and grew in size, soon a young woman with long brown hair and intense green eyes stood before him. “Waz, what is it? I need to speak with Prince Will immediately.” she pleaded desperately.
He nodded and stated, “Yes, I know. The Seer wants to see you first, we know a little bit of what’s going on.”
Caitlin clamed down at his words and said, “Okay, let’s go.”
The two walked back to the stairs Waz, Silver, and the prince had taken previously. In minutes they were in front of the wooden door that led to the Seer’s room.
Waz knocked and the Seer’s voice called, “Come!”
Waz turned to Caitlin and said, “I will wait here for you.”
“Thank you.” she stated and walked into the room.
The door closed behind her and Caitlin looked around the room for the Seer. He was sitting in a window nook, bathed in the light of the newly risen moon.
His eyes were closed as he said, “Welcome Caitlin, please have a seat.” She obeyed and waited for the Seer to speak again. He opened his eyes and looked at her and asked, “You saw her, did you not? Miyo Richards?”
Caitlin looked up at him and replied, “That’s her name? Yes, I saw her at Blake’s castle.”
“And you saw her power?” he continued.
“Yes.” Caitlin said. The Seer closed his eyes again and did not speak for several minutes. “Namau, her power is terrifying. It’s just like…” she stated.
“I know Caitlin. You must not tell Prince Will or anyone else what you saw this evening.” the Seer said cutting her off as his eyes flew open.
Caitlin flinched at the harshness in his voice, normally the Seer was always calm but when the situation called for it he could be even more terrifying than a swamp demon.
The Seer looked out the window and continued, “As I told the Prince Will Miyo has to stay on the path she has been given. Our existence depends on the situation she is in right now.”
Caitlin thought for a few seconds before she answered, “I understand, but her power is so great, will she be able to handle it without being consumed by it?”
“That will be left for her to decide. I cannot see what the outcome of this will be.” he replied.
They sat in silence with the soft glow of candlelight and moonlight illuminating their features for some time before the Seer looked to Caitlin slowly, “You must promise me that you will not mention this to anyone. Miyo’s friends are here in the castle now and I will talk to them in the morning, but I do not think their powers have awakened yet.”
“Did you see it as well, Namau? When she destroyed those shadow warriors?” Caitlin questioned quietly.
The Seer nodded and replied, “Yes, I saw everything though I did not want to believe it at the time.”
She looked up to him and said with a slight smile, “I won’t say anything, you have my word.”
“Good, I never doubted you Caitlin.” he stated. The Seer closed his eyes, hinting to Caitlin that she could leave. She rose and went to the door; she had just put her hand against the door when one of the Seer’s white candles flickered out. The Seer’s red eyes focused on it but he could not get it to light again. The two shared a look of concern before Caitlin left, shutting the door after her.
“Things might not be as simple as they seemed to be.” he stated, his red eyes glowing in the moonlight.
Caitlin walked out of the Seer’s room and nervously looked at Waz who was leaning against the wall. She did not like talking with the Seer; their differences put them at a constant feud. Something about his red eyes sent fear surging through her every fiber of her being.
“Did he scare you again?” Waz asked with a grin as they walked up the stairs.
“It wasn’t that he scared me,” she replied, “one of his candles went out.”
Waz stopped in mid step as he turned around to face her and questioned, “Really, it just went out on its own?” She nodded and Waz said, “I have never heard of any of the Seer’s candles going out unless he wanted it to.”
They continued their assent without saying a word and it continued that way until they arrived at the second floor and Caitlin stopped.
Waz turned around concerned and asked, “What’s the matter?”
She frowned and answered, “It’s just, this whole situation with these strange people. What does it mean, what do they want?”
Waz smiled and replied, “The only thing they want is their friend returned to them and to understand why they were brought here.”
“If I would have had more time to bring the chosen ones here then maybe these people wouldn’t be here now.” Caitlin stated as she stared walking slowly up the stone steps.
Waz shook his head and smiled even wider, “They are here.” he called after her.
She stopped and whirled around with surprise in her voice, “What?”
“If you wouldn’t always fear the worst, Caitlin, then perhaps you would have pieced it together by now. Who else would be here?” he stated.
“Tisha and Chase?” she questioned.
Waz nodded and finished for her, “And Tharin and Jase.”
Caitlin’s eyes grew wide as she remarked, “I thought it was just Miyo who was here, to think they made it here on their own. Where are they now?”
“I would imagine they are sitting down to eat.” he replied. The two continued up the stairs to the third floor and began walking down the hallway as Waz remarked, “It may be a good idea if we wait a little while before we go in. They are your students, correct?”
Caitlin nodded and said, “Yes, two of them are. And you are right; we won’t go in right away. I’m sure they are still getting used to all of this and they should eat before they see me.”
They passed the waiting room and continued down the hall in silence. As they were coming up to the corner it was Waz’s turn to stop and consider what was happening in their land.
“Waz?” she asked quietly.
“Sorry, I’ve been thinking on what’s happening. If things are really as bad as they seem, what will the outcome be?” he stated coldly. Caitlin was silent, waiting for Waz to continue, “I don’t want to go to war again, and we lost so many the last time we fought Prince Will’s brother.”
For a moment Caitlin could not speak, the thought of war had not crossed her mind. The last war was eight years ago and lasted for two full years without a pause. Caitlin herself only played a small roll in the war, but she still helped to end it. There was no clear victor but the war ended all the same, each side losing many friends and innocents.
“I’m sure it wouldn’t come to that. Prince Will wouldn’t allow another war.” she said.
Waz nodded slowly as they continued walking to the dining room. They turned and soon the crystal door came into view. They stopped a few feet away from the door and both calmly leaned their backs against the wall to wait.


Silver closed the door behind him them as the prince walked Jase and the others to the dining table. It was a massive mahogany table and it had every type of food imaginable steaming hot and ready to eat.
They looked on in awe as the prince smiled and said, “Please, help yourselves to what ever you would like. Silver and myself have already dined for this evening.”
He walked away and joined Silver at a smaller round table a few paces away from the main table.
“I’ve never seen so much good looking food in my entire life.” Chase said sliding into a chair, his eyes wide.
In minutes they all had a full plate of food in front of them and had all been poured a cold cup of water by one of the servants. Even though they were all famished they retained their dignity and ate calmly. Jase had every type of meat he could find on his plate with a massive helping of mashed potatoes on the side. Tisha has several small pieces of chicken in front of her with an equally small pile of fresh strawberries and a single apple. Chase was dinning on a large piece of meat with a bowel of rice. And finally Tharin had several slices of what seemed like pork with a mound of noodles underneath. Each got a second plate of food, piling with something different than their first plate. It took about a full hour for them all to finish eating.
“Oh man, I’m so full I can’t move.” Tharin said with a smile.
The prince turned in his chair with a cup of hot tea in hand and stated, “See, I knew you were all hungry.” Both Silver and Will finished their tea and stood up. “Did Waz contact you yet Silver?” the prince asked turning to him.
Silver nodded and replied, “Yes, he and Caitlin are waiting outside the door.”
The prince smiled and said, “Good, have them come in.”
Silver closed his eyes for a moment and when he reopened them the door opened and Waz and Caitlin walked through.
“Mrs. Leon?” Tisha said standing from her chair with eyes wide.
“Hello Miss Stevens.” she said with a smile. The others rose and surrounded her.
“What are you doing here?” Chase questioned.
“This is my home, I was born in this land.” she replied.
“No way, this is your teacher sis? You didn’t tell me she was from a different world.” Tharin said in amazement.
“I…didn’t know.” Tisha stammered.
Before they could say anymore Caitlin rose her hand and said, “I’m sorry, right now I can’t answer any of your questions.”
“Mrs. Leon,” Chase asked, “do you know if our friend Miyo is here, have you seen her? I know she’s not one of your students but we think she was brought here as well.”
Caitlin was silent for a moment before she answered, “No, I’m sorry. I haven’t seen anyone here that isn’t normally here. In fact I just learned a few moments ago that you were all here.”
Prince Will looked with concern to Caitlin as he said, “Silver, Waz, please take our guests to their rooms.”
In unison they replied, “Yes sir.”
“Wait, can’t we at least talk to Mrs. Leon?” Tisha pleaded.
“I’m sorry, you will have to save your questions for tomorrow. I swear you will be able to ask anything you want tomorrow.” the prince replied.
Silver and Waz guided them out the door and up to the fifth floor to their rooms. Tisha and Tharin shared a room and Jase and Chase shared their room right across the hall from them. For a while no one slept, but after an hour or so they were all fast asleep.


The man wearing the cloak walked down the dark gray steps to the basement of Prince Blake’s castle and stepped up to an old wooden door. He chanted four words in rapid succession and the door flew open. He entered it without pause and chanted two more words, causing the door to swing close.
The instant his foot touched the first stones of the room hundreds of black candles illuminated the room. A thin smile could be seen across his barely visible face as he pulled a book from one of the numerous shelves in the room and placed it on the single table in the center. He brushed the loose strands of his silky black hair away from his face as he sat in the chair and pulled the book towards him.
The man quietly laughed to himself as he paged through the book and stopped at an entry called “The Legend Of The Tears Of Miath”. His eyes skimmed the first half of the story until he found what he was looking for.
His smile grew larger as he read aloud, “The Lost One, though kind hearted in both soul and mind, may bring destruction to the land if the heart of The Lost One becomes corrupted by evil or the darkness takes over the light in The Lost One’s soul. The Lost One has the power to save The Dark One or take away the single shred of light from The Dark One’s soul.”
That is what he wanted to make sure of, now his plan could take form. He needed to figure out a way to corrupt the girl while at the same time destroy Prince Blake.
“I may serve you now, my sweet prince, but after I get what I want from this horrid land I shall be a God to all who sees me.” the man said coldly. He slammed the closed and returned it to its place on the shelf as he continued silently, “I also have to find a way to deal with his brother and that other troublesome lot from the Eastern Mountains.”
The candles in his room blew out as he walked out of his room and climbed the stairs to the first floor. No one but two guards could be seen on the entire floor, news of Miyo’s arrival and the extent of her powers were floating around the castle no doubt and that was what was keeping everyone in their rooms. The absence of guards and soldiers in the halls made for quick movement as the man walked with haste to the courtyard. The gash Miyo had made in the wall was already repaired, leaving no trace of the confrontation hours before.
He walked to the door Prince Blake had carried Miyo through and walked past the stairs leading to he tower. He stopped and looked back and thought if he wanted to he could take her tonight and no one would be the wiser.
“You will be mine soon enough, my dear.” he whispered with a smile.
He continued walking and ended up back at the main set of stairs. Instead of going back down to his room he walked up to the third floor. He walked down the hall to a set of enormous wooden doors and opened them. The man cautiously looked around the room, trying to see anyone still present in the dark room.
Upon seeing no one he walked all the way in and closed the door behind him. He needed to research more of what was going on and the best place to do that was the library. He needed to be one hundred percent certain that Miyo was the one, but he had to wait for the second sign before he could put his plan into action.
“The prince may think he can control you,” he stated to himself, “he may think you two are alike, one,” he walked over to the window, “but you have and always will belong to me, my sweet Miyo.” His smile grew wider and soon his laughter could be heard throughout the entire third floor.


For the second time in one day Miyo was surrounded by darkness, she looked every possible way but all she saw was more darkness. What was odd was that she could see her hands and every other part of her body without a source of light. Miyo opened her mouth to call out for someone, anyone, but she had no voice to call out with.
She did not know what had happened to her, the last thing she remembered was the prince. She had fell after that horrific moment where she could not control her body and he had caught her in his strong, warm arms. What had happened after that she did not know, all she could think of was the prince’s beautiful blue eyes and his strong arms.
“Miyo…” a voice called from the shadows.
Miyo took a step towards where she thought the voice had called from but stopped short for she had no idea if the ground, if it was the ground, continued on or if it would end.
“Miyo…” it called again.
After hearing the voice a second time Miyo realized that it was not either of the male voices she had heard before, but a female voice. She tried to speak again only to hear silence from her throat. Taking a deep breath she forced herself to begin walking forward into the abyss.
While she walked her thoughts turned to Prince Blake, she was so terrified at the time he spoke to her that she did not realize that the prince’s voice sounded oddly familiar to her. It was almost like the first voice that had spoke to her before but it was harsher, colder. Miyo looked up and gasped as she saw a faint white light in the distance. She began to run towards it but no matter how fast or hard she ran it did not get any closer.
She stopped and was breathing hard trying to catch her breath when the voice called once again, “Miyo…”
It sounded like the voice was closer now that it had been moments before. Miyo brought her head up to look at the light and could just make out the faintest of blue in the center. She was amazed by how beautiful the light looked surrounded by the emptiness and coldness of the dark.
The voice spoke to her, “Miyo…you have to become stronger. You have to become stronger so that you may call upon me when the time comes.”
Suddenly the blue light vanished and the white light began to grow dim. Miyo raised her hand and tried calling to the light but her voice would not come to her. In seconds Miyo was left in total darkness again and she began walking, not knowing where exactly she was going but not really caring either.
She did not know how long she had walked before she finally stopped, her feet screaming at her for rest. Miyo looked around and unable to figure out what to do she sat down. She racked her mind to try and make sense of what was happening to her and what she had just witnessed. She was in a strange land, was almost killed by monsters, had some sort of power that made her lose control of herself, and now she was surrounded by nothing but blackness.
“Miyo…” a different voice called out.
This voice was male, but again it was not a voice she had heard before. This voice was full of malice and it was very full of rage. Miyo got to her feet and gazed around the area, only to see nothing. The voice that called her this time put every inch of her on edge, and she knew to trust her senses.
“Miyo.” it called again, this time more forcefully and closer to her.
From the corner of her eye Miyo saw a faint glow of red. It was not purely red as Miyo saw, with aid from the light, the same black snow she had seen before. Miyo turned to look at it fully but before she could do anything more the light flew up to her face.
The light was so intense Miyo closed and shielded her eyes as the voice screamed through her head, “Miyo!”