so guess what ppls!!!
yeah.... i know it's obvious...

I'VE FINISHED MY EXAMS!!! woot woot. so now i shall be!!! *looks around room*
Cleaning my room, lol.
But AFTER that i will be going out having fun and ost importantly DRAWING and expanding the imagination that has been squished by my brain, lol
SO i hopefully will be getting more pics up..... seeing as i have several here that i haven't put up yet.... i will also try my hand a colouring on the computer.... *doesn't have any of the right programs* AHH SHUT UP you stupid inner voice!!!

But yeah... i have a couple pictures i'll try to finish and then i'll post them.....

I would ALSO like to reminds people that my challenge for the title page of my manga will most likely be ending soon, so PLEASE get in an entry.... i don't care if it suxs MAJORLY i just want some pics to choose from!!!!

Other then that....... umm, My mum's having a MEXICAN themed party which is WICKED!!! and my AWESOME grandad is coming over... not the peadophil one... he's just creppy.... and my aunties coming over too... so our house is going to be PACKED.... SOOO many people are sleeping over... i think a couple of the guys that are coming over are parking a carvan on our front lawn.... yeah we've got THAT many people coming over, ROFL

SO i bid you farewell until later, while i go and clean my bomb range of a room and eat CHOCOLATE..... there was a two for $7.00 sale of BLOCKS of chocolate... HOW COULD I REFUSE!!!!! lol
so yeah i'm on my second block now... the first was to help with the misery of failing on of my exams... this one is for CONGRADUALTIONS that i FINALLY finished them all!!!!!

but TOMORROW will be the BIG celebration.... i'm going to get TASOBO!!!! or in English PORK BUNS!!!! i'm addicted to them.... and momolove is going to be kind enough to show me where i can get them and then FREZE them,... that way i can eat them WHENEVER I WANT!!!! *evil laugh*

Anyway... i shall leave this post seeing as i'm on SUCH a sugar high... umm
*feels like putting picture in*
OH YEAH i'm a brunette now!! First tie in FOUR year that i've even come CLOSE to my natural hair colour, LOL....


ROFL.... surprisingly it was the OPPOSITE way around for my Maths test.... however it was TRUE for my other tests

OH well there all over with now!!!
Thanks Iruka for making this card... i LOVES it!! it BRILLIANT!!!
