Missing Sister

OMG, after school my sister came home got changed and then left to her friends house.
and the main rule at our house is BE HOME BEFORE IT GETS DARK...

MAN... me and my mum were SOO scared!!

we let our imaginations run wild on what MIGHT have happened to my sister....
It was SOOO Scary!!! PRAY that you NEVER have to go throught that!!

I went through ALL of my sisters Mobile phone contacts and asked EVERY single one of them, 'HAVE YOU SEEN MY LITTLE SISTER!!??' and NONE of them had, they all said the same thing... so we knew NOTHING about were my sister went.

SO it's been dark an HOUR and we've been searching for a while. My mums gone around the neighbourhood searching for her, By this time i'm getting worried and i'm conviced somethings happened to her. I mean YEAH she's usually a lillttle late and she ALWAYS forgets her phone but THIS... it was WAY too late!!!

Mum's called me three times while she's out looking to see if my little sis has come home YET or not she's completely paniced and worried, she doesn't know what to do and it's rubbed off on me.

Finally she gives up and comes home, i've called my sis's contacts and etc. So my mum walks out the front and these THREE BIG GUYS!!! come up from the 'PARK' that's down the way... and this 'PARK' is connected to the SHADY side of town.... And they say YEAH we've seen a girl like her down near the park....

My mum is paniced beyond beleif!! Now she's a BIG woman and she RAN 200m to this DAMN park cause she thought these boys had rapped my lil sis and left her for dead in this park.... Thank-fully it was a no go.

But as a side note, for those of you who know my house.... i could hear my mum SCREAMING my lil sis's name FROM THE PARK!! she was THAT worried!!!

So by now our neighbours notice mums in a flurry, she comes back from the park and thankfully one of our neighbours saw my lil sis and the chicks she left with...

So i can end this story on a HAPPY note.... We called the police and told them that we had FOUND my lil sis and they didn't have to worry any more (yeah we were worried enough to call the police and start a missing persons thing here..)

But yes my lil sis is home my mum's yelled at her, my lil sis has cried cause she realises what a panic she put our mum through and now she's grounded... i know it's not ALL happy but that means we won't have to worry about this for a while now... Phew....

Again, PRAY you NEVER have to have a missing sibling!!! or loved one....

I now understand what those people go through. I know i was only missing my sis for about an hour or two... but it has been a horrible couple of hours and i don't EVER want to relive it again....

I take away from this experience the fact that i do TRUALLY love my sister, and that i don't NOT want to see her. As well as a new understanding of what missing person families go through....

I wished that their searches were as quick ended as ours!!
