Mein Gott future plan

After the MG season 2. I will make the season 3, a special season. And the season 4 will be normal like 1 and 2.

*Name: Mein Gott
*Chapter: 10 or 15.
*Character: Prussia, Germany, Hungary, Austria and Russia.

I have some piccy of Snow Rabbit couple (RuxPru) although I'm not this couple fan. But I think It's so violent, so Russia will or won't appear.

I upload some pics and made a review for it. That's all. I need your idea please, my friend.

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Don't worry about YAOI. I don't add yaoi factor in this Mein Gott.

If you think this specail season need a new name or something, COMMENT PLEASE. Or Mein Gott is enough
