Tough Stuff

To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting. -e. e. cummings

So this is just my first time posting. I have been writing a story that I am debating on posting. Give me your input if you want me to post it and if you'd actually be interested in reading it.

It's about... This girl who is going through all that tough stuff and such. Not really a guy story but it's good. I've had my dad read it (haha, not a guy story but my dad read it XD) and he says he's going to bring it in to work sometimes. He works with people kind of like the one I'm writing about. Which basically says that he inspired my story.

So yup. Lemme know if I should post it or not. I'm just getting used to this Version Vibrant thing so.. Yeah. I will post it soon if you want me too. After I get the hang of this a little more.
